time’s no friend


Notice of absence from arqios
A reminder to extend an olive branch… where possible.
Let us sup of the dignity of kindness and humility…

coiled, helical -seemingly fickle
                …yet ever objective…

an unhurried force
that makes no offers
       …nor demands.

What value we give it
is misused and/or abused
  . . . by all subject to it!




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  • LP2187

    A beautifully effective poem about forces with such good imagery and contrasts, I loved reading this!

    • arqios

      Oh my, thank you 🙏🏻 👍🏻🕊 so glad you shared with me how it went!

      • LP2187

        You're very welcome!

      • orchidee

        It's 'time' for my quip: 'I never knew there was some much about* time, but I know now! lol. [*insert subject here, in this case - time].

        • arqios

          Ahaha 😹 how’s Fido doing with your quip!? 🕊👍🏻🙏🏻

        • sorenbarrett

          You have accomplished the near impossible describing the intangible in most poetic terms. The words though few are deeply profound in this poem. This one deserves a Fave

          • arqios

            Aww shucks… thanks Soren… some of these are short but quite trickier to put together nut when the flow is on, it’s magically wonderful 🙏🏻🕊👍🏻

          • Mutley Ravishes

            Mechanical time
            Us down

            "An unhurried force." Great line, Arquios!

            • arqios

              Cheers Mutley, thank you 🙏🏻🕊👍🏻

            • David Wakeling

              Time and tide wait for no man.Certainly no friend.An interesting poem exploring a great mystery.

              • arqios

                Absolutely no one except the One that could keep the Sun in place!

              • Tristan Robert Lange

                Wow! Good morning! I'd like a decaf coffee, a side of home fries, a large OJ, and, heck, toss in a cup of oatmeal with brown sugar and raisins along with my TRUTH omelet! 🤣 Wonderful job, my friend. What can I say other than TRUTH! 🌹🌹 Ah...yes...I can also say FAVED.

                • arqios

                  Glad brekkie was filling 🙏🏻🕊👍🏻

                  • Tristan Robert Lange

                    Indeed! 🤣

                  • Kevin Hulme

                    Times like Oxygen: it’s all around us, but we can’t see it.
                    You described it so well in the Poem. Well said.

                  • Thomas W Case

                    Powerful and poignant.

                  • Goldfinch60

                    Time goes at ever changing speeds in life arqios.


                  • Neville

                    No aint that the absolute truth in a nutshell .. Neville

                  • Tom Dylan

                    A fine write. Some really great lines.

                  • Cassie58

                    A clever write arqios and so true. Time is no friend. We have absolutely no control over it. A profound piece of poetry. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could stop it at certain points in our lives.

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