We Knew

Tristan Robert Lange

Notice of absence from Tristan Robert Lange
💀🐦‍⬛Not really absent, but not fully present due to an insane schedule. Will be back in full measure shortly my dear poets and friends. S💀🐦‍⬛
So here we are
in another
      Is really ever new,
            It’s true, and we all knew
      That nothing would
  Ever stay true
No matter
How it
The clocks
     Back in their box,
         While time interlocks
              Like long, half-witted cocks
         Fighting in the breeze-
      Way between these
  Truths and lies
That society
Tells us all
We should
      With truth’s
          Alluring perfume
               Yet unable to ‘ever bloom
          Love from a mushroom
       Boring it's phallic
  Moldy, spastic
little drastic
    So, here we are,
        starting yet another
    damned. new.
           Ever stays very new,
                   It’s true, and we all fucking knew
           That absolutely nothing would
    Ever dare to remain true
No matter how far
They said it
© 2025 Tristan Robert Lange. All rights reserved.
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  • sorenbarrett

    The only constant is change and so it seems every year. Love the shape of this poem that reminds me of birds in flight

    • Tristan Robert Lange

      Indeed. Thank you so much, my dear friend. I had a lot of fun laying out this one and I am so glad both the poem and its shape delivered! 🙏❤️

    • orchidee

      I am FFFF frustrated by that clock - it's 11 something but the other hand has fell off! lol.

      • Tristan Robert Lange

        I know, right?!? My thoughts exactly! 🤣 Thank you Orchi for your time and engagement, my friend! 🙏❤️

      • Poetic Licence

        Confirming that what happens today, tomorrow it is history and it change again after that ( underlined with a hint of anger one suspects !!). Enjoyable read

        • Tristan Robert Lange

          Exactly…just a smidge of anger in there. 😂 Thank you so much my friend! 🙏❤️

          • Poetic Licence

            You are very welcome

          • Tony36

            Excellent write Tristan

            • Tristan Robert Lange

              Thank you so much Tony! 🙏❤️

              • Tony36

                You're welcome Tristan

              • arqios

                And the rooster crows yet again in some forsaken backyard like some Groundhog Day scenario. Perhaps we can muddle through like St. Vincent, another unlikely postmodern antihero.

                • Tristan Robert Lange

                  Yes. That damn ol' rooster won''t shut his beak! Even the hens are breaking their eggs over it! 🤣 As for muddling through, here's hoping. What else is there to do? Thank you so much, as always my dear friend, for your throught-provoking analysis and expansion on ideas. Always eagerly anticipated and appreciated. There. Now that is an alliterative (oops I did it again) display of gratitude! 🙏❤️🤣

                  • arqios

                    All in fun and fellowship!

                  • Thad Wilk

                    Wow!! 😲
                    Powerful penning
                    Love it, thank you!!
                    Absolutely nothing
                    Would ever
                    Dare to
                    true! 😢
                    Thanks for sharing, much enjoyed!
                    Best regards peace ✌️ Thad

                    • Tristan Robert Lange

                      Thank you Thad! I appreciate your visit and thoughts my friend! 🙏❤️ Glad the poem delivered!

                    • NinjaGirl

                      I don't know if this is the intended shape, but I see a curly piece of confetti. seems to me like a warning sign throughout the celebration

                      • Tristan Robert Lange

                        Actually, the shape was more or less accidental. I wanted the poem to seem as if it were taking flight and then regressing. The poem is a series of pointing arrows, which is what I "knew" I was doing when I was setting that up. They're pointing forward, yet everything about them seems to be the opposite of progress. That said, I actually do see the confetti streamer in this, now that you point it out, and I think that is EVEN cooler than my original idea! 🤣 A happy accident indeed. In fact, I am pretty sure I will now not unsee the confetti streamer, and the image of it, as you rightly point out, is a warning sign throughout the celebration. NinjaGirl, this is another case of interpretive brilliance on your part. Thank you again for your time and engagement, my dear friend. 🙏❤️

                        • NinjaGirl

                          Haha! I saw one of the comments saying it looked like birds, but I couldn't see it. I zoomed out on my laptop until I could see the full picture, but all I can think of is swirling confetti!

                        • Cheeky Missy

                          Hmm. I've read and reread, yet remain rather bewildered and confused, intrigued and somewhat fascinated. The grinch of the new year spews his disgust on the suggestion, despite the inevitable reality we all grow older, learning as we do. Interesting. Charmingly rendered with excellent imagery and a haunting poignancy, thank you for sharing.

                          • Tristan Robert Lange

                            Thank you so much! 🤣 Indeed, it sometimes feels as if there is a literal grinch stealing away a good new year. 🤣 Actually, this was written on New Year's Day. I am sure it would not have taken me much longer to write it, given the current state of the world; however, even cynical ol' me was shocked to learn that tragic evil took place just about eleven and a half hours earlier in New Orleans. I had this poem in my heart on New Year's Eve, pondering when the next act of violence, the next selfish act of entitlement, how many estrangments etc. would take place following the hugs, kisses and toasts. Prescient thoughts indeed.Then the car attack in New Orleans took place. I thought, "we celebrate on December 31 only to wake up to hear of people being mowed down by a car in the streets. We anticipate change, but does it really come? Yes, it can individually...for sure...but what does it take to actually effect change around us?" I try to feel optimistic about the prospect of a new year, but, year after year...the same celebrations, the same wishes, the same resolutions, the same call for peace on earth and good will toward humans. All of that…then the clock resets and back to square one. Repeat. By December we will loathe this year too. This is more or less where I was coming from when I wrote this. Thank you so much my friend!. I hope this helps to clarify a little. Regardless, I am glad that you enjoyed its form and found it to be poignant. ❤️🙏

                            • Cheeky Missy

                              Thank you very much for your explanation! La. The statement I'm mulling since Friday morning is, "...I hope this year doesn't go by as fast as 2024!" Only catching me up hours later as I realized today was only an hour or two away and already the 4th. Time's flying despite the ugly occurrences blotting the view. Thanks again!

                              • Tristan Robert Lange

                                Oh, no doubt about that! Time certainly does fly with no seeming slow down in sight.You are welcome, Cheeky. Glad the explanation helped.

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