Family, friends, fun, and food
The four fs of a great picnic
Games will be played
BBQ will be eaten
Memories will be made
Like the time I fell into the park's creak
Or when the duck bit my hand
While I was trying to feed it bread
The time dad won the race
The big football game
My uncle dumping a bowl of salad on my brother
For making a statement
And of course food fights
There have been many
I could go on and on
But the message is pretty clear
Without friends and family
A picnic means nothing
You brought some warmth on a very cold day. Picnics are such great fun to share with family and friends. I enjoyed your memories. Thank you Tony.
Thank you
Eating outdoors alone that’s alfresco eating not a picnic 🧺 , too right you are!
Thank you
Welcome, Tony 👍🏻
A poem that brings back many memories and a bit of nostalgia from the past. Very nice
Thank you
As I sit here today with snow falling and streets icy, I read this lovely poem of family and fun which always warms the heart. Beautiful!
Thank you
I'm ready to go on a picnic...anyone care to join me. 🦗 [*Checks weather and sees its the temperature of cryogenic death outside*]. 🥶🤣 All jokes aside, this really made me want to go on a picnic. They are so much fun and I cannot wait for the warmer weather to go back out and have one. Thanks for giving us all something to look forward to, my friend! And, too true, a picnic without family and friends just isn't a picnic. It's a "me party".
Thank you
So very true Tony. I can remember family picnics were great fun.
Thank you Andy
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