Aah-ree-man's Cylons

Mutley Ravishes

Imagine you had

No Imagination

You'd be Artificially Intelligent

With no hope

Of salvation

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  • Poetic Licence

    Now isn`t that frighting, enjoyed the read

    • Mutley Ravishes

      It sure is. Steiner warned us this was coming over 100 years ago!

    • sorenbarrett

      Inspiring! Is there a heaven and hell for AI? If not why not? Great write

      • Mutley Ravishes

        That’s an interesting question, Soren. I don’t know. I guess ultimately it’s an instrument for….someone!

      • Cheeky Missy

        Lacking the imagination AI will only answer what is programmed, unless, of course, it's far, far worse than the seeming superficiality appears, you know? Rendered innocuously enough with a haunting poignancy, thank you for sharing.

        • Mutley Ravishes

          No doubt it’s worse! However, even operating on a trillion calculations a second it is still reacting, not creating/imagining. Not receiving intuitions. It can give the illusion that it’s “alive “ like us.

        • Tristan Robert Lange

          A world without imagination...now that would be hell. A wonderful write my friend! 🌹👏

          • Mutley Ravishes

            Indeed,Tristan. And isn’t that world fast approaching?!
            Thanks for dropping by.

            • Tristan Robert Lange

              You know it is! No kidding there. You are welcome, my friend!

            • arqios

              No hope. But you wouldn’t care either way for lack of imagination… ignorance is blisss… sss… would it be artificial ignorance then? there being no possibility of artificial imagination… slaves of the algorithm…

              • Mutley Ravishes

                That’s a great point! I wonder if it’s the “endgame “?!

                • arqios

                  …would it be like Ender’s Game? (Sorry, random aside there) could be… we might have to think it through…

                • Thomas W Case


                • Thad Wilk

                  Awesome poem
                  great brevity!!
                  Thanks for sharing
                  I totally agree!! 💯👍
                  Best regards ✌️ Thad

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