The Birds of November

Thomas W Case

Time has run through
golden fields of hay
and swam the moss-covered
ponds in the soft amber
light of dawn.

There are shards of
beauty in the
rubble of a broken life.

Those summer days



Then galloped on by, like
a bareback colt.

I fed on the breast of life,
grew strong, and free.
And now,
those November birds


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  • Teddy.15

    So very beautifully written dear Thomas from the darkness of hell, we rise to see and to appreciate every last bit of glorious beauty there is to see. 🌹

    • Thomas W Case

      So very true, sweet Teddy.

    • Tony36

      Great write

      • Thomas W Case

        Thank you.

        • Tony36

          You're welcome

        • Cheeky Missy

          Ooh! I dearly love how skillfully you use metaphors herein, illustrating so much capably! Beautifully rendered with excellent imagery and a ghastly, haunting poignancy. Thank you for sharing!

        • Tristan Robert Lange

          Wonderful poem Thomas. Love the way you use animals to convey the passage of time. Brilliant! πŸŒΉπŸ‘

        • sorenbarrett

          Time such a relative thing. A powerful write that leads to reflection

        • orchidee

          Good write T.

        • arqios

          Great write TWC! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ•Š

          • Thomas W Case


            • arqios

              Welcome πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ•Š

            • Kevin Hulme

              Like it. I love Summer and long for its return.
              Walks in the Countryside and see β€˜Hazy Sunshine’ on the Fields and hear Birdsong.

            • Cassie58

              Powerful in both expression and imagery. Great write.

            • Neville

              A powerful poem indeed ..

            • Cassie58

              Wonderful write of reflection. Powerfully delivered Thomas.

            • NafisaSB

              beautiful and well written
              thanks for sharing

            • Simurgh

              Beautiful, magnificent and what not! I loved your poem. I enjoyed great journey reading and listening to your poems.
              Hope to read more and become friends with you!

              • Thomas W Case

                Yes, for sure. Thanks.

                • Simurgh

                  Yo are most welcome 😊. Thank you for reading my poems and commenting so nice a message to me!!
                  Enjoy your weekends!

                  With regards,
                  A poetic bard from India

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