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Tune: St Stephen

('In Christ there is no east or west')

Psalm 34 v.14-19


Depart from evil, and good do

Seek peace, pursue it too

The eyes of the Lord are upon

The righteous, e'en each one


His ears are open to their prayer

He comes to their welfare

But His face is against they who

Wickedness, evil do


He shall cut off the memory

From the earth, they nto be

Recalled, but He will judgement do

Deal with the evil true


The righteous call, and the Lord hears

And unto them He nears

Saves them out of all their trouble

For He does hear their calls


The Lord is nigh to them that be

Of broken heart, sadly

And saves such who be contrite, low

He each one's spirit knows


  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 28th, 2025 03:29
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in, and Fido - or a pic of one of his friends!
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 19
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  • sorenbarrett

    Ahh a poem or rather hymn of support, I'll vote for that. I can always use a little extra support from where ever it comes. Good write Orchi

    • orchidee

      Thank you SB.

    • arqios

      Nice O 👍🏻🙏🏻🕊

      • orchidee

        Thank you A.

      • Tristan Robert Lange

        I just dialed emergency services. Help is on the way! 🤣 Okay, okay, just kidding! Wonderful hymn-poem my friend. Pet Fido, or his friend, for me! 🌹👏

        • orchidee

          Thank you T.

          • Tristan Robert Lange

            You're welcome, my friend! ❤️🙏

            • orchidee

              Here's a terrible joke - not as in 'corny' but as in 'dark joke': Someone phoned The Samaritans (or what is the equivalent of 24 hours helpline, always available, in USA) - but they were on strike! Doh! heehee. 'Naughty Orchi' says Fido.

              • Tristan Robert Lange

                LOL! 24 hr emergency services here in the USA is 911. I always used to kid with my daughters, "Do you know how to dial 911?" They would look at me with disdain every time! 🤣 A father's duty!

              • Thomas W Case


                • orchidee

                  Thanks T.

                • Thad Wilk

                  A really captivating
                  and insightful
                  hymn poem, eloquently
                  penned my friend!! 🙏
                  Best regards ✌️ Thad

                  • orchidee

                    Thanks T.

                  • Cassie58

                    Depart from evil and my mind travelled to the 80th anniversary this week, a reminder that there is great evil all around us. I hope the broken hearts that still remember find some solace. Nicely penned Orchi.

                    • orchidee

                      Thank you Cassie. Yes, still some survivors from those horrors.

                    • Goldfinch60

                      Good one Orchi.

                      • orchidee

                        Thank you Gold.

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