...on Thursdays we clean house.
[Guess Which Day It Is, HaHa]
Were brooms made with but straw's detail
Back in the day? I broke those til twas thence
A crew-cut thing and useless. Now we'll fence
Our work with plastic, sturdy, curling bail
And feel half guilty that we left the trail
Of good ole things behind for better's sense?
The head detaches too, so we've defense
Where needing shorter--should I what? bewail?
But sponges...they still fall apart in tour,
And go to pieces ere I'm ready to
Grab newer. Dish rags too, go holey, poor
As liking aught, the cleaning aids we knew
Less like ourselves than we'd desire as t'were.
LORD, Thou alone'd endure. We wait on You.
I Think It Is Called Having Fun
Invite friends oer fer dinner, planning thence
For that nice party; when they cancel, fail
At any other plans since you're sans bail,
And dearly lack, erm, sleep. Plan for intents
The next day, quite content with being, and whence?
But how they cancel 'gain. Then which detail?
How neighbors slam doors, yelling, fight. Avail
Just you two of the party like's defense,
Within day's fading light. Come, is it poor?
The hol'days gone, I've nary visions to
Trick out the hours, yet happy as it were
To live and be. If restless, what is new?
Erst wont to drown life out with movies, stir
Naught now, and all seems good. LORD, we wait You.
...at least I fooled someone.
Where Trying To Feign But Fools Myself
Fresh blueb'rries waiting nigh a week, t'avail
Us now, at breakfast, dressed up for intents
With powdered sugar, half and half for sense,
Is an indulgence, but tis Friday, bail
Since all the madness ere, til which detail
Could follow on its heels? eggs gently thence
Fried, roasted, chopped potatoes seasoned hence
As bacon and red pepper slices hail.
We'll eat our porridge oer the news as twere,
The cal'ndar page a kitten playing anew
With yarn, til being content does not seem poor.
But ag'tate me with stupid answers to
Effect undoes complacent joys. Bestir
Thyself and ransom me, LORD. I wait You.
A jaunty attitude and cracking jokes dissolved when management decided to screw my schedule until I was up past midnight with perpetrators seeing no cause for concern.
What On Earth IS Today, Besides Friday?
Which fine horizons opened out, to thence
Evap'rate 'fore mine eyes, that naught'd avail
And I'm chagrined? What's the surprise? The pale
Eye of these Jan'ry hours as erst wont, whence
Forget that Groundhog Day is closer? Sense
Yields to the pressures of this moment, frail
Before white snow as if all's lost. Derail
Facts in the face of cold? That's but pretense.
The kitten playing with a yarn ball in tour
Is cute, but life does not arrange its view
To that. What you did not want is as t'were
Your lot, and also what you subtly knew.
If Barry's with pure shortbread's grand, tis poor
With wafer cookies. Don't ask me what's new.
Just Drive Me Bonkers, Will You?
Spring. Who told me what, eh? Behold, avail
You of the morning's golden light, full thence
With that dear note just waltzing for intents
All 'round. Hark! sparrows sweetly call "all hail"
As if the secret's out. If I've ne bail
T'enjoy, and find me screwed, yet listen hence
And see tis nary jest that aught owns sense
Of hope as life begins to stir, nor'd fail.
Aida plays to great applause in tour
Whilst Saturday checks off the morning to
Consider what is left til night as t'were.
Brunch is so late that lunch will be late too,
I guess. T'will be some time ere violets stir,
Yet now I see it won't be long til all 'gain woo.
...but I [finally!] found the little boxes of conversation hearts while grocery shopping.
Cupid's Fast Asleep Methinks
Tis Valentines in less than three weeks hence,
I'll buckle and wear hearts, red, pink's detail,
Though lacking, oddly, any heart t'avail
Me of the festive joy. The treats fr'intents
From grade school I sought to enjoy for sense,
Last year were hard to find, now strangely bail
Is all 'round, whence I did buy twain, in frail
Excuse for failing to care this year. Whence?
Buy cinn'mon jelly hearts with spice as t'were,
And two wee boxes of the "talking" crew
(Erst wont to charm the day when we in poor
'Scuse dreamed the future would own suitors to
Give sense to Valentines). Sans hope, why stir
Fun in the absence of such? I wait You.
[The first 5 lines haunted me, composing the sonnet while I was trying to sleep before third shift.]
Oh, Nevermind Me Now
Firs hoarsely whisper of beyond, th'exhale
Mild as a kitten--tis Favon'us, sense
Alive with hope in golden hours, as hence
Sweet blossoms are but hours awa', the pale
Eye of late afternoon with aught detail
Half bursting in sheer joy, til my heart thence
Sings likewise, half awakened for intents,
Though half afraid to trust that life'd avail.
Snow lingers, yet the ice melts, aught astir
On ev'ry side 'neath heavns so sweetly blue,
Who can refrain to sing? I'll look as t'were
Eyes shining, knowing what's afoot as't woo,
And wait blue violets soft return in tour,
As LORD, we likewise wait for You.
Chic George (Pseudonym) (
- Published: January 30th, 2025 00:50
- Comment from author about the poem: Yes, I'm bombing you with too many, but who truly cares two bits, eh? Pick and choose, but have fun while you're at it, okay? I think I is. Enjoy.
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 15
- Users favorite of this poem: sorenbarrett, Tristan Robert Lange
I read them all but I think my favorite is the first and the message is what got me. As it came through to me I take it that too many things have been altered and not for the better. Every time something is made in a more shoddy way I am told that it is for the best and I say yea best for you to make more money. Very nice Chic This one deserves a fave
As below . I read em all .. I always do .. and particularly got a kick out of number one too .. You deserve more than just a mention and a medal but a pat on the back & time off in lieu 💛😉👍
Aww, you're too nice! I got a kick out of writing it and thought it a gas myself, eager to share it. Thank you very, very much!!!
Brooms ain't wot they used to be, are they? And as I make a pilgrimage to the close the reward of a bunch of blue violets in an elegant bowl (added that bit myself) certainly rounded the novel (I mean picture) off nicely. Good 'un Missy.
Ya, I'm a violet, if I was a flower. The perpetual tendency of straw broom heads to lose their straw tendrils, so when I was shopping for a broom for my apartment, I both bought a regular old fashioned broom with a straw head, and also a modern broom with a detachable handle and plastic bristles. I've a photo of a field of blue violets at the last place I lived.... maybe I'll post it later in the year when the violets are again blooming. Thank you very much for your kind comment! Great to see you again.
Seven sonnets! I'd say you were having fun too! Seven sonnets isn't too many, it's the divinely perfect number of sonnets if you ask me. They were all good, my friend. I couldn't dare cherry-pick from seven sonnets. I really loved the line, "Snow lingers, yet ice melts". I have seen this happen this past week, so it is a natural occurrence, but the metaphor is profound! Well done, my friend! 🌹👏 Easy fave.
Aww, you're too kind, rather, thank you!
You are welcome, Missy. Have a great day, my friend!
Great writes
Aww, sweet! Thank you very much, Tony!!
You're welcome
The first time i have been able to comment on your prolific work, Number 6 was my favourite, enjoyable reads
Oh, why thank you so very much! My close friend finally deciding to make herself a user here, trying to connect online found me going through my permissions, discovering that somehow users I never noticed and others I liked were strangely "ignored" by my user, whence I "un" ignored all and maybe that's why. I'm so sorry if that was why you never could comment. Thank you again so very much! Glad you decided to comment and were able to do so!
You are very welcome
Aww, thank you so very much!
Blueberries with yoghurt and maple syrup
Make me chirrup
When I'm skint
I eat garden mint
For breakfast
Hmm. It is a curious phenomenon that I'm the only one [outside of my immediate family] who likes the dish of blueberries in half and half with powered sugar. You're too fun, though. Thank you very much!
The whole lot of this made me smile. Your fun and humour comes through so well. Nicely done. 🙂
Aww, thank you very, very much!
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