

like a moth

to a flame

an addict

to cocaine


doesn't the light

always win

against the moth?

doesn't the drug

always take

over the addict?


because the moth

cannot miss

because the addict

cannot resist


it's always

the object

the offender

that forces

us to surrender

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  • sorenbarrett

    This was a realy good write. There are great lines but the best part is the flow from one stanza to the next and each builds on the last. Very well done definately a fave

    • NinjaGirl

      Thank you so much!

    • Mutley Ravishes

      A person struggling with cravings is not forced to surrender to them. They choose to. Why? Because life seems unbearable without getting the high (for the most part). Is there a way out of this mess? For sure. The cravings are a signpost. Where to? Lets find out!

      • NinjaGirl

        thank you for reading!

      • ᴷᵉᶻᵉˣˣᵉ

        Awesome! Love the rhymes!

        • NinjaGirl

          thank you!

        • Tristan Robert Lange

          Wow! This is profoundly true and very relatable. My drug was not cocaine...different substance, same principle! Wonderful write, dear friend and poet! 🌹👏

          • NinjaGirl

            Cocaine just rhymed with flame! It was the first thing I thought of...hahaha! Thank you so much, and welcome back!

            • Tristan Robert Lange

              I kinda figured that...but no judgments either way! 🤣 Thank you, my friend!

            • RSM0812

              Never tried Cocain. Lol. Might be a lie. Can't exactly remember. Just kidding. This is my favorite read for quite some time. Not to offer my opinion bc this is a great write but after "over the addict?" I would have written "at what cost". Mesmerizing. You have a beautiful talent.

              • NinjaGirl

                Thank you so much! I like that idea! Thanks for reading!

              • Funmiwrites

                Nicely done,
                I like the end, it indeed the offender that forces us to surrender.

                • NinjaGirl

                  Thank you for reading

                  • Funmiwrites

                    You're welcome dear

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