Tune: Sussex
(one tune to 'Father, hear the prayer we offer')
Parts of Psalm 119
Open my eyes, Lord, that I may
Behold in your law this day
Wondrous things, your word shall I keep
I within your fold a sheep
Teach me, O Lord, the way of your
Statutes, and I shall keep sure
Them unto the end, persevere
And knowing your presence near
Let your tender mercies come to
Me, that I may live, 'tis true
That your law it is my delight
Pure and holy, good and right
Your word is a lamp to my feet
A light to my path completer
So isee each step now clearly
Whate'er on life's journey be
The entrance of your words gives light
Dispelling darkness of night
It gives understanding unto
Those needing wisdom anew
orchidee (
- Published: February 23rd, 2025 03:04
- Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in I have changed the last two lines. It is originally: 'It gives understanding to the simple' to 'those needing wisdom'. 'Simple' is not in the sense of half-wit or dullard. 'Fools' appears in other verses. But this can mean 'one wickedly spiritually blind'.
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 17
- Users favorite of this poem: arqios, Tristan Robert Lange
The only dullard is me - for marrying KP! lol.
Whole Word for Word wholeness! Gotcha🙏🏻🕊️
Thank you A.
You’re welcome O.
Lovely Orchi another wonderful hymn and after reading it I feel that my Sunday service is done. Good one Orchi
Thank you SB.
Very spiritual Steven .. Neville
Thanks N.
Great hymn poem with a very insightful note. Well done, Orchi! 🌹
Thank you T.
Your welcome, my friend.
Good one Orchi.
Thank you Gold.
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