So Sweet So Fair

Reynaldo Casison

So Sweet So Fair

Is She When She Sings

Her Love Has Moonlit Wings


So Sweet So Fair

Is She When She Sways

The Candle Nights

Are Like Rose And Sunflower Days


So Sweet So Fair

Is She When She Sighs

Cries And Laughs

Its Like Exotic Flowers

In A Fine Wine Rose Bath


So Sweet And So Fair

When She Loves

The Moonlight Is Like Sultry Doves

With The Heavenly Stars

Up Above


So Sweet So Fair

Is She Like A MidNight

And Champagne Star

She Lets Things Be

As They Are

Short Yet Tall

Reynaldo Casison

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Comments +


  • sorenbarrett

    This poem has such a comforting feel to it. It is familiar like a mother's kiss, like a lover's embrace. It is classical in nature and well written in form and rhyme. It just feels lovely.

    • Reynaldo Casison

      Thanks Soren My Friend
      Very Sweet
      Have A Cool Evening

    • Goldfinch60

      Wonderful lovelorn words Reynaldo.


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