Did They Call THIS Having Fun?

Cheeky Missy

I'll bet it can't.
Oh Me! Can It Be Otherwise?!
If dawn is oercast, mark each last detail,
And see the buds on ev'ry branch from hence,
How lo, the light swears it is NOW, suspense
Fraught with a charge that Summer would prevail
Ere we've indulged in Spring, yet how avail?
Put on the kettle late, have Barry's thence
Mid-morning cuz the highway traffic's sense
Stalled three lanes for collision, til where's bail?
The car wash partly loaded, come, let's tour
With keener observation of the view,
And see the germ of Spring I'm chasing'd stir
Likeas I knew within my veins all through
These hours and weeks, til what is rather poor
Is that tis oer ere that I fully knew.
Catapulted into warmer weather overnight as it were.
Tis So Warm Now the Heat's OFF
Likeas some drowning sailor whose defense
Is tea, I'm floating on't, caffeine's detail
Now firmly 'neath my "belt," as if t'avail,
Yet I have slept oernight nor need such hence,
Except I'm used to that recure for sense,
And welcome both tea and covfefe's bail
Until, as Mum was wont to quip, in frail
Excuse I'm "floating" on the tea fr'intents.
Why does this charming, sunny day bestir
Lo, mem'ries of erm, April?! Softly blue 
Heavns oer these yellowed leas cull March in tour
Ere Feb'ry kin bow out. Three days left to
The switch, don't say we are surprised. We were
Impatient children. LORD, we'd wait on You.
...you know? 
What's NOT On Schedule, Eh?
Hark! for birds sing from ev'ry nook, th'all hail
Such as sweet April knew of old, a sense
Of late Spring hard in tow as if from hence
We'd catapult from that quite bitter tale
Of weeks and hours besieged (as if sans bail)
To Summer's fete, without the romance thence?!
If tis Favon'us breathing oer fr'intents
These wastes held captive and released t'avail,
How courtship is a dance we maunt demur
T'engage in now, of late. Oh how aught woo
Until the heart rejoices in as t'were
The arms of our Beloved. Say we ne'er knew?!
But I've been quite aware all was astir,
Impatient as my wont. LORD, we wait You.
...yet, wherefore?
Methinks Twas A Tacit Acknowledgment
Why did we both know that the buck was thence
On guard and watching for me, eh? Th'all hail
Was silent as erst wont, yet that detail
Unnerving in its essence, though't makes sense;
How nary doe jumped forth thereafter, whence?
Guess it will be a quiet night. I'm frail
And far too tired, but there's no help. Avail
Me after ten of dinner, sans pretense.
Come, did he know I showed my brother fer
Brief moments photos of his dainty crew?
The wilder turkeys I mistook in tour
For emu, too, what bird told him, to
Effect? How sparrows played in puddles--were
They who told him? Oh LORD, how we wait You.
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  • sorenbarrett

    Once again the seasons and birds come in to play a great poem for any day. Lovely Chic

  • Tristan Robert Lange

    Wild turkeys make for strange emus but, then again, emus are rather strange, aren't they? Like the one who hangs out with Doug on the TV screen. LOL! Loved these sonnets and, as you can tell, I did have quite a bit of fun! 🌹👏

  • Mutley Ravishes

    Keener observation! Thanks for the reminder.

    • Cheeky Missy

      Thou art very welcome. Thank you for your comment!

    • Doggerel Dave

      Woven throughout your sonnet stories, caffeine in the form of tea seems a recurrent theme. I too loves me Assam loose leaf, but find it interferes with my afternoon nap. I then drop off in the late evening in front of the TV...and miss out on a later good night's sleep. Any solutions?

      • Cheeky Missy

        Well, I must adhere to the "no caffeine after noon" else I'll not sleep overnight. Dunno whether that'd help you, though. Loose leaf Assam is tops if the vender is a good one. The best I tasted was from an Indian colleague of my father's 25 years ago. I've never been able find loose leaf Assam of the caliber of his from his family's connections, sadly. Dunno whether that helps, but thank you very much for your kind comment!

        • Doggerel Dave

          Agreed - it's all about the vendor and the quality of supply.

        • Poetic Licence

          Enjoyable and very entertaining reads

        • Neville

          Isn't it amazing what springs to mind when the mercury rises just a tad and the titillating scents from the kitchen begin to waft into the boudoir .. such scintillating sonnets to salivate all over again later upon my eventual return from the office .. Neville

          • Cheeky Missy

            Oh me! When I'd that luxury, forsooth, tis wonderful indeed. Erst wont to waken to the whine of my father's electric espresso grinder on Sunday mornings too many years ago, the hiss of steam from the La Pavoni's milk frothing rod the signal to rise for that indulgence. Thank you again, Sir!

          • NafisaSB

            enjoyed the read - thanks for sharing

            • Cheeky Missy

              You're very welcome.

              • NafisaSB

                have a great and productive week ahead

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