Too warm


So hot... lizards carry sticks to climb, to not burn their feet
Rain turns to steam, before the ground it does meet
Even the telephone poles wilt in the heat
And the sun itself, in shade finds a seat

Here one bathes in molten steel 
So just a bit of coolness to feel
The devil in hell made a deal
Air condition hell to escape the ordeal

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  • orchidee

    Some of those overhead cooler things give out an icy blast, even in Summer. Then it's colder indoors than outdoors. Doh! It's a draught that's more unpleasant than actually being outdoors on a chilly windy day.

    • sorenbarrett

      Yes be careful not to catch a draft my mother used to say. Thanks for the read Orchi been warm here lately.

    • Teddy.15

      Yes, only the best for the devil 🤣 oh how I know this feeling, it can be truly unbearable the summer heat here in Italy, I cannot have air-conditioning because I'm an asthma sufferer and allergic to dust, hey maybe that old devil bought my soul lol wonderful rhyme and I could feel the heat, Dante is down there having a party I believe 🌹

      • sorenbarrett

        Thanks Teddy the heat has picked up and this one just came to mind as I sat in the shade with a fan. Appreciate the read and kind words of support

      • David Wakeling

        Indeed it hot as hades here at times.A powerful poem. Enjoyed

        • sorenbarrett

          Thanks for the read my friend appreciate the review and support. Here it has gotten warm after a cool summer

        • Neville

          Now that is bloomin hot .. Sounds like a global warming warning to me ..

          • sorenbarrett

            Global warming is an understatement. I like it warm but enough is enough. Thanks for the read and comment Neville

          • Poetic Licence

            I feel a sense of might become, with global warming, enjoyed the read

            • sorenbarrett

              Thanks for the read and comment they are most appreciated. I think global warming would be welcomed as a cooling wave.

              • Poetic Licence

                You are very welcome

              • Salvia.S

                This poem brings the heat in the best possible way!

                • sorenbarrett

                  Thanks my friend for the read and comment it is most welcome like a cool breeze

                • Friendship

                  OH, Soren, the extreme heat of summer days, Your poem serves to highlight the discomfort brought on by extreme heat and the human (and animal) response to it, reflecting on the environmental challenges and the reliance on technology, like air conditioning or fans, to cope with such conditions. also can be interpreted as set in the peak of summer, during a particularly sweltering day. Try to stay cool my friend, have a great day,

                  • sorenbarrett

                    Thank you so much for the read and sympathy your words are most appreciated

                  • Jerry Reynolds

                    A fine write, SB.

                    • sorenbarrett

                      Thanks so much Jerry your read and comment are very important to me

                    • Thomas W Case

                      Excellent work.

                      • sorenbarrett

                        Thanks so much Thomas your encouragement is most appreciated

                      • Doggerel Dave

                        Stap me vitals - you never told me you lived next door....

                        • sorenbarrett

                          Ya never asked. Thanks Dave for the read it is always appreciated

                        • Goldfinch60

                          That heat can be so overwhelming, it is only 12 at the moment and may be 16 durung the day which is OK by me. Hope you can find some coolness soren.


                          • sorenbarrett

                            Thanks so much Andy. Appreciate the read and comment

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