
Mutley Ravishes

Can one life


When it comes to mastery?

How many shots do we get

At finding the treasure

In the shipwrecks?

It's been said

That many seeds

Despite hundreds, even thousands

Of journeys

Through the Avitchi

Still prefer to remain asleep

Is this the essence

Of insanity?

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  • Tristan Robert Lange

    Excellent. This poem speaks to the human experience, it questions our mastery of anything, our opportunities for growth, and the choices we make in the face of repeated chances for change or awakening. I loved the reference to the Avitchi. Well done on this friend...and yay to being the first to comment! πŸŒΉπŸ‘

    • Mutley Ravishes

      Thanks, Tristan. I can't consciously recall, but if there is substance to what I wrote then I must have spent many a long hour in that furnace too!

      • Tristan Robert Lange

        You're welcome, my friend!

      • sorenbarrett

        Dreams are often best or at least better than reality. Mastery often only occurs in dreams although dreams can come true if one plans and works hard enough. A good read.

        • Mutley Ravishes

          Yes, they can come true that way. What if there's another way, where the "work" mainly consists of faith, patience , gratitude, and perseverance through Imagination instead of blood, sweat and tears?!

        • Cheeky Missy

          I guess you're having fun. Seriously?! I'll beg to differ and leave it at that. Thank you for sharing.

          • Mutley Ravishes

            Thank you.
            Yep, seriously!
            One shot, then eternal Heaven
            Or damnation?
            I beg to differ
            What teachings of Ben Yeshua
            Have been hidden?

          • arqios

            The seeds asleep/awakening dynamic is so mystifying and engaging! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

            • Mutley Ravishes

              For sure! Now, what would I rather turn out to be, a still sleeping seed or a fully grown tree?

              • arqios

                Now that’s meant to be straightforward, full grown would mean whole new batches of seeds and potentialities. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

                • Mutley Ravishes

                  Haha! Yes, your one step (several?!) ahead of me. No possibility of boredom with infinite Imagination/potentialities.

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