The Weight of Enlightenment


The Weight of Enlightenment


I am almost too ashamed

to admit that

it took me years to realise,

the warmest

glow comes from forgiving

   and from giving ..

Still, they think they stand

on firmer and on

higher ground today than we

   ever did and still do ..

Oh’ my word, how wrong are

   each of those fools ..


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  • arqios

    Wisdom takes it’s excruciating time to age within hearts and minds… I’m one still grasping with a futile 2-minute expectation of sorts.πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

    • Neville

      Thank you kindly arqios .. Neville

      • arqios

        Most welcome NπŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

      • sorenbarrett

        The Tao taught me to look at things in more than one way. Forgiving and giving do provide a warm glow but the ground they stand on is not that firm and maybe not that high. Two fools depends on which side of the mask you are on. After all the fool was often the wisest in the court. A poem to identify with and to puzzle over. It seems so straight forward at first then maybe not so much. Look what forgiving and giving did for the Indian and where did Gandhi or Jesus end up turning the other cheek?

        • Neville

          Thank you & kindly for considering this little scribble sorenbarrett .. Neville

        • Poetic Licence

          I feel the sense of the double bladed sword here, for some forgiving and giving has been fullfilling and beneficial, to others it has got them killed, a write that makes you question, enjoyed the read

          • Neville

            I am glad you stopped by my friend .. thank you and kindly .. Neville

            • Poetic Licence

              You are very welcome

            • Tristan Robert Lange

              Indeed, this poem is so multilayered that it presents many questions. Are forgiving and giving to be valued universally? Are they truly the higher ground all the time? What does it mean for them to be fools? Are they foolish for hoping more from us, humanity? Or foolish because they don't recognize that what can be good in some circumstances does not always good? Or is it that we are the fools for knowing they lead us to better places, yet we choose not to pursue them? Those are just a few. That makes me love this poem, because the journey is in the questioning, never in the answers...and the journey is where its at for me because who knows on the rest. Well done, my friend! πŸŒΉπŸ‘

              • Neville

                You are too kind my friend but seriously very much appreciated .. Thank you .. Neville

                • Tristan Robert Lange

                  You are welcome, Neville!

                • Tony36

                  Excellent write Nevilie

                  • Neville

                    ..................... muchas gracias signor πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

                  • Thomas W Case

                    You nailed it my friend. Thank you for your writing.

                    • Neville

                      Thank you for visiting Thomas .. Neville

                    • orchidee

                      'To err is human; to forgive divine' (Alexander Pope - looked it up!). I'm very 'human' in my treatment of KP. Heehee.

                      • Neville

                        and there was me thinking you are some kind of rodent with two heads & a bushy tail ..

                      • Jerry Reynolds

                        A fine write, Neville.

                        • Neville

                          Many thanks Jez .. Neville πŸ‘

                        • Doggerel Dave

                          I confirm I've considered, Neville. Thanks for the chance to do that.

                          • Neville

                            Thank you Dave .. Neville πŸ‘

                          • Cheeky Missy

                            Oh you--!!! Look away, I can't stop smiling. How deliciously rendered with excellent imagery and a tantalizing poignancy. Thank you very much for sharing.

                            • Neville

                              Thanks a whole heap Missy .. Neville

                            • Accidental Poet

                              Everyone has the right to be wrong N, but having the courage to admit it takes balls. And being wrong doesn't necessarily mean you're not right. It just means you're learning. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

                              • Neville

                                How extraordinarily write you are my friend .. Many of my finest thank you's now heading your way .. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

                              • NafisaSB

                                i agree with you wholeheartedly. it is more peaceful for ourselves when we forgive, though it is a bit harder to forget. very good advice

                                • Neville

                                  Thank you my friend .. Neville

                                  • NafisaSB

                                    always welcome

                                  • Neilton

                                    Amazing poem with an even greater meaning! Neville I'm truly happy there still people in this world who realize the importance of giving and forgiving ! !

                                    • Neville

                                      Bless you Neilton & no kidding .. Neville

                                    • Friendship

                                      Well written,Your poem,reflects on personal growth through the understanding that true warmth and strength come from acts of kindness and forgiveness rather than a sense of self-righteousness.

                                      • Neville

                                        How very kind of you to drop in and leave such an encouraging comment my friend .. Neville

                                      • RSM0812

                                        Great message. Great write. You write the truth and unfortunately some people feed lies into others.

                                        • Neville

                                          Thank you for considering these words of mine .. I am truly grateful for the visit and support you have shown towards me and my little scribble .. Neville

                                        • NafisaSB

                                          you have truly nailed it - it does help when one can forgive , forget, and share

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