I'll Take Chocolate Pudding, Thank you.

Cheeky Missy

...the effects of a day off after an insane two weeks?!
Ask Me Later, I'm Too Mixt Up
"The wintry mix shall--" who cares what, fr'intents?
That rainy look persists wherein I've bail
For erst loved dreams, and time 'nough to avail,
Hark as the sparrows chatter, where suspense
Now picks its teeth, to stall, or what? or whence?
Where I've too much to do, the clock's detail
Swears off my plans or glares. Shall I bewail?
I'm too mixt up and searching for defense.
So Tuesday was my day off, and in tour
Is gone unto the dogs, yet I'm sans clue, 
And reeling since then? We had fun as t'were,
But wherefore now confused? I needed to
Recover from the lack of sleep in poor 
Reply all weekend? and LORD, I need You.
...but DON'T look that term up.
I Actually Am A Fashion Plate

Snow is a tease which haunts the last detail
Of what was day, that likewise slipped past thence
Afore I knew, as if one day off hence
Yields what, precisely? gone while I'd avail
Me, in a blink, the dinner party's tale
Leaves me confused, since nightfall owns aught whence,
No work upon the clock til after dense
Black beckons all to rest 'cept me, to scale.
Vogue mag'zine is a book, forsooth, in tour
Just as the 
movie "De'il Wears Prada" knew.
Tis huge as well...shall I lose me as t'were
Within its fancied depths, nor say I do
Not know what I'm about? I've no time, poor
As thinking I'd whatever. I need You.
...so there.
I Never Had Good Timing
Sweet golden hours with blue heavns reigning thence
As wont, I did not wash the car t'avail
But cleaned ere breakfast, crafting that detail
Tea-lemonade without a sip for sense,
Aye roasted up potatoes, omelet hence
Not what I would envision likeas bail--
All thin and yellowed, folded 
just to scale
Like so, but loaded, fluffy, like fr'intents.
I thought to sleep the day off but is't poor?
Where did fatigue go? After noon, I do
Lie down--how gorgeous tis today as twere!
Leas to the rolling dale all yellowed, blue
Heavns with benign touch look oer as all stir
Afresh with waking life, oh LORD, of You.
...and I'm still caught in the tangles of it.
It's A "Deja Vu" Friday, Kid
Tis neither rain nor snow, but that detail
In tango for effect, Florid'ans thence
Too cold where we say tis too hot, a sense
Of early March on schedule through white's veil,
Where how umbrellas rule, the haughty tale
Of grand couture, Yves Saint Laurent fr'intents
Vuitton, and Burb'rry, Gucci, gathered hence
For flavour where a lonely morn asks bail.
Pink, likeas I set out to own as t'were,
The vintage lounge set for the fashion crew,
It's how you want that new clutch, aught astir
Oer which strap? Buzz word now "crossbody" through
The hours, he calls my 'talian purse in tour
"Your brown bag," til I wonder what is true.
Not me.
Who Could Have Guessed, Eh?
Frost glitters in the lamplight, black night 
night dense
And lonely sans a voice 'cept traffic's trail
In semis and is't smaller? Aught t'avail
A dream, the noise of any for intents
What makes me turn to see if? with a sense
Tis closer or at hand, where nothing'd hail
'Cept from a distance; nestled high up, frail
As all excuses, seems I have defense.
Watch early hints of dawn seep through in tour,
Black yielding up to sapphire til, skies blue,
Pink blushes turn to peach, and light astir,
The dream likewise reveals a des'late view
Whose empty landscape toys with me as t'were,
Til fin'lly I am  free; LORD, all of You.
  • Author: Chic George (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 13th, 2025 14:40
  • Comment from author about the poem: I forgot what I intended to say. I'm having fun. Enjoy?!
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 11
  • Users favorite of this poem: Tristan Robert Lange, Poetic Licence
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  • sorenbarrett

    A full day's journey from morn to night with weather, food, vogue magazine selecting a purse and night. It looks like you were very busy. Well written

  • Tristan Robert Lange

    Wonderful sonnets, my dear friend...what's more, you set them to a most wonderful composer and score. Well done, Missy! 🌹👏

    • Cheeky Missy

      Yeah isn't it such a perfect score?! Thank you for noticing. And thank you so very much for kindly commenting. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

      • Tristan Robert Lange

        It really is! You are so very welcome!

      • Poetic Licence

        I am not sure how you fit it all in, I see now moving in designer circles!!!, enjoyed the reads

        • Cheeky Missy

          Aww, you're too kind! Thank you so very, very much, kind friend.

          • Poetic Licence

            You are very welcome

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