

You and me part of the same tree just young leaves when we did entwine
Through rain and storm kept each other warm a shelter most divine
But in time we began to climb and our branches grew apart 
Still holding tight, with all our might yet so far from the start

Finally torn apart from our start we reached for each other
Too far to clutch or even touch we entwined with another
Now months past and at last you reached the sky blue
One day you flew away I still remember the youth of dew

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  • orchidee

    Good write SB. I'm a big tree; KP's a big weed! lol.

    • sorenbarrett

      Thanks Orchi, just realize that weeds don't usually grow as big as trees. Appreciate the read and comment

    • Poetic Licence

      I get the sense of siblings growing up together but gradually drifting apart, then the loss of one while the other remembers fondly of their youth, enjoyed the read

      • sorenbarrett

        Thank you T for your read and interpretation which surely could be one way to take this. It is most appreciated my friend.

        • Poetic Licence

          You are very welcome

        • arqios

          Sometimes I feel that one or both of us was grafted and replanted elsewhere and our common roots and main trunk no longer shared. Speaks the state of several of my bygone younger relationships. 🙏🏻🕊

          • sorenbarrett

            Indeed my friend I appreciate the read and interpretation which could be indeed any of many relationships and we all in a way come from the same tree.

            • arqios

              Aye, a mother tree of sorts. I dig that 🙏🏻🕊

            • Teddy.15

              How truly beautiful, a child's friendship with a tree, how it's so different yet very similar in so many ways. Such imagery has given me a glimpse of a young boy and his huge appreciation of life. 🌹

              • sorenbarrett

                Thank you Teddy for your read and interpretation of this poem it is as always most appreciated my friend

              • Friendship

                Well written, Your poem is a poignant reflection on the bond between siblings, employing the metaphor of two leaves on a tree to illustrate a close relationship that evolves over time, leading to both distance and acceptance. You explore the transition from youthful intimacy to the inevitable divergence that comes with personal growth and change. Ultimately, it reflects on the memories of a past connection while acknowledging the separate paths individuals take in life. Your poem delves into the complexities of relationships, emphasizing the inevitability of growth and change while cherishing memories of intimacy. It seeks to resonate with anyone who has experienced the bittersweet nature of moving on from a close bond.

                • sorenbarrett

                  Thank you so much for your careful read of this piece. I appreciate your interpretation.

                • Salvia.S

                  Beautifully written! Your poem captures the bittersweet pain of growing apart and the memories that remain, with words that dance like leaves in the wind....

                  • sorenbarrett

                    Thank you Salvia for reading this poem and for your interpretation. It is most appreciated as always

                  • Ellen Marsell

                    Through the metaphor of a tree and its leaves, you delicately expressed the evolution of human relationships, marked by growth, separation, and ultimately, the acceptance of fate that leads each to different horizons. Beautiful poem!

                    • sorenbarrett

                      Thank you Ellen for the read and comment that strikes at the core. Your words are most appreciated.

                    • Tristan Robert Lange

                      Great job, Soren. This rings so nicely and the poem is beautiful, using nature to symbolize any number of things from loving relationships to our hopes and aspirations. Wonderful job, my friend! 🌹👏

                      • sorenbarrett

                        Thank you so much Tristan for your read and words of support they are most important.

                        • sorenbarrett

                          • Tristan Robert Lange

                            You are welcome, my friend.

                          • David Wakeling

                            This is so poetic.I like the metaphor of leaves.There is a sadness here but hey thats life.

                            • sorenbarrett

                              Thanks David you are very kind I appreciate your most supportive words

                            • Caring dove

                              Lovely writing .. sometimes we feel so close to someone or someone can feel a part of us ..

                              I like how you wrote this

                              • sorenbarrett

                                Thank you ss much for the read and kind words of support they are always appreciated

                              • cellinic

                                very deep work with philosophical connotations. Liked it.

                                • sorenbarrett

                                  Thank you Cellinic for the review and your comment it is most appreciated

                                • Neilton

                                  The words you use in your poems always amaze me ! Beautiful poem

                                  • sorenbarrett

                                    Thank you Neilton for the review and most kind words of support they are most appreciated

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