I'm Already Dead


I'm Already Dead

I don’t care if you hit me to soothe the abused child in you

I don’t care if you scream at me just to challenge the quiet child who was told to shut up

I don’t care if you abandon me just to feel what was done to you

I don’t care if you torture me just to heal your tortured soul who just wanted to be loved

I don’t care if you play with my feelings just because it was done to you

My heart might beat but I’m already dead

I might be alive but I’m only surviving

I only survive because you make me

I may cry but it’s only because you hit me so hard 

I may wince but it’s only because you screamed so loud

I may come crawling back but it’s only because I don’t know what else to do

I may forgive you but it’s only because I think you’ll change

I think you’ll heal my quiet child who wants to scream and kick and cry and hurt but she’s too busy holding your abused child together

She can’t live anymore, 

she just survives, 

beating your heart for you, 

while you beat her black and blue

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  • sorenbarrett

    Here the cycle of abuse is put in metaphor and set to verse. A lovely write about a horrid condition.

    • daisydoo

      Thank you for your comment

    • Tony36

      Excellent write

      • daisydoo

        Thank you!

        • Tony36

          You're welcome

        • Poetic Licence

          A write about about the horrific cycle of abuse that some people have to live in, and it is all about the abusers needs and inner demons. A horrible subject but very well written and expressed

          • daisydoo

            Thank you, I really appreciate your feedback

            • Poetic Licence

              You are very welcome

            • Cheeky Missy

              Spot on. Excellently rendered with gorgeous imagery and an exquisite poignancy only those who have tasted this know best. Thank you for sharing.

              • daisydoo

                Thank you so much for your feedback!

              • arqios

                Welcome to MPS 🙏🏻🕊

                • daisydoo

                  Thank you!

                  • arqios

                    You are welcome 🙏🏻🕊

                  • Lorenz

                    It's time to rise again !

                  • NafisaSB

                    a very sad and touching poem. moved me a lot - abuse is so unnecessary and negative

                    • daisydoo

                      Exactly! Thank you

                      • NafisaSB

                        the world will definitely be a better place without it, for sure

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