Of Bar-B-Que, Pink, and Deja Vu....

Cheeky Missy

After all, "on Wednesdays we wear--"
Oh Yes, How I Wore Pink, Pink, Pink
Three lanes of heavy traffic, racing thence
Whenas a gap appears, get home t'avail
Ere dawn, and sleep twas hours likeas sheer bail
Upon the couch, to heat the hash fr'intents
With ham on top (yes, protein central hence!),
Fry eggs (one frozen!), and make porridge, frail
As aught 'scuse, AFTER Barry's with to scale
Some shortbread, thankful's easy, like defense.
I guess I slept off Wednesday as it were,
March tender warmth enough with softest blue
Heavns to keep our heat off; the lake winds stir
To gentle rippling ducks sail on, a crew
Of geese on guard upon the shore, demure?
Thy mercies new each morn, LORD, we thank You.
Howdya like that?
Well, I'll Be Jiggered, Eh?
In Elgin over twenty years to scale,
Yet not in Scotland, Illinois as thence 
Where I was born, and now like for intents
I live in Bolingbrook, yet not t'avail
In Munster Ireland, but lo, that detail
Of Lincoln's Land, again. What is it hence?
My father's house is Gordon, thus for sense
By Dand in all, and in my blood, like bail.
Is't by mere chance I drink tea, Barry's fer
All that?! Grew up on porridge like twas due,
And bagpipe strains more rarely, was that poor?
The prairies in my youth where skies so blue
Were all we knew, and longhorn too, bestir 
In us to seek Thy face, LORD, and wait You.
...you know?
So Many Things, So VERY Many Things
The card'nal's voice 
from naked trees I thence
Reply to in his style, like that detail
Of courtship is a game? How plovers hail
Now after dark, keen mem'ries of Mum hence
In tow, cuz that's when I saw them fr'intents,
On her last walk with me, like that t'avail
Is no more from lo, Col'rado, the trail
To yonder is't? within their call for sense?
As if they call unto my soul in tour,
Oh LORD, I hear, yet what's anon to do?
My brother texts 'bout tuna salad--her
Um rec'pe, and we realize thereby too
That she ne'er wrote it down. Remember fer
Him, and he says it sounds right, LORD, of You.
...silly me.
Why Am I Thinking "Bar-B-Que Chips"?!
Oh sunny warmth, I'm thankful to avail
Me of these tender hours where sparrows thence
Tease, and now I recall how last night scents
From bar-b-que would haunt mine exit, trail
Along, til in the pre-dawn darkness, frail
As aught 'scuse, how sich odours tempt fr'intents
Til I am making arguments for sense
T'unravel, as his comment last week'd hail.
He wished repeatedly for bar-b-que in tour,
A grill left out last night from neighbors who
Could thus avail themselves. Forget in poor
Reply the pulled pork whiskey'd tinge, as through
Thy mercies, LORD, I'm giv'n more hours. Bestir
In me to sing Thy praise, all, all of You.
...like, what comes after this?! 
This "Deja Vu" Is Getting Eerie
How is't? But having mulled (was't vain pretense?)
Returning to these 'scapes, work drags me, frail
And full of silly old complaints, t'avail
Right back to my old stomping grounds for sense,
Famil'ar sights and streets, where aught from hence
Half whispers that I know it too well, trail
And all likeas mine own in each detail,
Til I begin to wonder why? and, whence?
Last night I toyed with stuff frae years 'go fer
A spell because I could not sleep. Now too,
I'm back right where I used to be as t'were,
And wond'ring what I'm s'posed to learn anew
Or realize? I half love it too. Is't poor?
Oh LORD, til all of Thine hand. I wait You.
...yet wherefore?!
I'm Is't Happy Now, Am I?!
Forget to watch the shadows as they trail
Across this sun-washed view, as if fr'intents
Too charmed with life, the page turned in a sense
Back,...or is't forward? Caught in which detail?
How can I know? Chagrined to find I fail
At all, or so it seems, resort to...whence?
Dost Thou, oh LORD, give me to see? For hence
Reminded oer and oer how I'd avail?!
I never was a grand soul, only her
Whom Thou wouldst ransom, all I have of You;
I'm but forgiv'n anon, and failing, poor
As all my protests and best efforts to
Be better than I am. Back here, bestir
In me to do Thy will, LORD, as I'd do.
--By Dand
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  • sorenbarrett

    Another day told and so may details that are painting this story. Lovely Chic

  • Tristan Robert Lange

    Well, I be jiggered indeed! Another enjoyable set of sonnets, dear poet! Well done, Missy! πŸŒΉπŸ‘

  • arqios

    I got grilled asparagus; how? melding together sparrows and arguments and chagrined! Sounds good to go with BBQ chips and pulled meats. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

    • Cheeky Missy

      Yeah. Wish I had barbecue chips. Grilled asparagus sounds interesting. Pity we're so distant! Thank you very much!!!

      • arqios

        You’re welcome πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

      • Poetic Licence

        Beautiful writes and another day complete, enjoyed

      • Tom Dylan

        Some fine pieces as always, Missy. And nicely done with the Barry's tea. Almost time for another brew. I'll put the kettle on. πŸ™‚

        • Cheeky Missy

          Tea alone wakes me up, and Barry's is the best! Thank you so very much!

        • Neville

          Six of the very best in my humble but honest opinion Ma'am .. Neville πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

          • Cheeky Missy

            You're too kind. Thank you so very much!!!

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