Saint Patrick's Brood

Tristan Robert Lange

It has long been said—
Almost as long as
saying things
Has been a thing—
That a Latin-speaking
A swain once swindled
By Illicit Irish Interlopers,
Came back to the
Isle of Emeralds
And thenceforth
Drove out the
Snake repellant
Has never been
A propellant toward
This Patrick
Did no such thing—
Not in the slightest—
For he had love
For the “snakes”
Who gave him
The pasture,
Where he learned to
This Patrick—
Not prominent—
Dug deep within
The den,
And then,
Found himself one
Among the brood.
That never changed
His mood,
Toward his Lord—
Something his soul
Would never afford—
Though freedom
Finally found
Freely found
His way
Back to his
And there,
Not knowing he could,
He made friends of foes,
Formed sacred circles
That brought the above
And raised the beneath
No matter
The tall tales
Of a fierce Patron
Who had the pompous,
To successfully, and
Scatter serpents
From the Emerald Isle,
Just know that
The real patron’s purpose
Was to please God
With a sacrificial love
That lovingly laid familial claim
Upon his captors,
That dispatched spiritual descendantry
For the divine delivery
Of hope for a people
Who would one day
Bring that hope
To a dark age,
In need of
© 2025 Tristan Robert Lange. All rights reserved.
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  • sorenbarrett

    A spear through the saint's heart. A pome to elucidate the fabricated myth where like tigers driven from the arctic, snakes were driven from an isle. Maybe it was culture put by Catholic enchanters in the form of a snake that was driven out. A great read from the other side on this day

    • Tristan Robert Lange

      Thank you, my friend! Glad that it delivered! Your time and feedback are always appreciated! πŸ–€πŸ¦β€β¬›πŸ™

    • arqios

      Now that is a poem for St Patrick’s, my one went the opposite direction, lol☘️

      • Tristan Robert Lange

        I absolutely LOVED yours! Thank you, my friend. I figured I would clear the air for Patrick a little! Poor guy's gotten cranky over the old 🐍 snake 🐍 story. 🀣 Glad the poem delivered. Thanks for reading and commenting! πŸ–€πŸ¦β€β¬›β˜˜οΈπŸŽ©β˜˜οΈ

        • arqios

          Oh that is very needful! Provides closure and clarity πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Šβ˜˜οΈ

          • Tristan Robert Lange

            Thank you, my friend!

            • arqios

              You’re most welcome TπŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

            • Poetic Licence

              Well that is certainly an alternative vision of St Patrick to the others i have read today, an interesting take on history and myth.

              • Tristan Robert Lange

                Indeed! Figured it might be time to clear the air a little for the poor ol' chap! Thank you, my friend! Glad the poem delivered a fresh take on him and hope you have a great week, Tobani! πŸ–€πŸ¦β€β¬›β˜˜οΈπŸŽ©β˜˜οΈ

                • Poetic Licence

                  You are very welcome

                • orchidee

                  A snaky good write T.

                  • Tristan Robert Lange

                    Why, thank you, Orchi. I am especially fond of hisssss story! 🐍🀣😜☘️🎩☘️

                  • Cheeky Missy

                    Fascinating and intriguing, more especially since I never yet have heard why there's such a character as "saint Patrick," just knew we celebrated him annually. Why I thought joining in the festivities was worthwhile is owing to my propensity to love nearly any excuse for a party. Thank you for giving me a perspective. Beautifully rendered with excellent imagery and a definitely haunting poignancy. Thank you for sharing.

                    • Tristan Robert Lange

                      You are most, welcome, my friend! Thank you for taking the time and read. Up until I did some self-sanctioned research on Patrick, I was right there with you in not really knowing who he is or why. Something about snakes...and the rest was leprechauns and pots o' gold and of course, green beer or a shamrock shake (which is now more my speed)! 🍺 Anywho, really glad the poem delivered and that you enjoyed! Much appreciated! β˜˜οΈπŸŽ©β˜˜οΈπŸ™πŸ’š

                    • whats write for me

                      That is truly great prose Tristan, magnificent!

                      • Tristan Robert Lange

                        Thank you, my friend. Glad the poem delivered! Your time and feedback are very much appreicated! β˜˜οΈπŸŽ©β˜˜οΈπŸ™πŸ’š

                      • Mutley Ravishes

                        I once read that the "Celtic Christianity" practiced in Ireland before the "Roman" version was introduced was of a different hue to the later version. so many mysteries!

                        • Tristan Robert Lange

                          It was indeed. Thank you so much, my friend, for your time and feedback!!! β˜˜οΈπŸŽ©β˜˜οΈπŸ™πŸ’š

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