The Ghost in the Dog Tag


Sound hurts your mind
Light hurts your eyes
Smell takes you back in time
A time you wish you didn't survive 


You came home from battle
But your mind never returned 
Friends came in caskets
People said fragrances of their bravery 
Would linger on


The memories do linger on
Like unwelcome guests in the night
You wake up screaming 
The battlefield had never left your mind


A number on the dog tag
That's all you have been 
Wife and daughter wanted you back
Did they know which "you" 
They would get to see?


Families mourned the departed 
When caskets were laid to rest
How would your family mourn
Your passing when your mind is gone
But your body remains undead?

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  • ChrisLynπŸ•Š

    Heartfelt one , good write

  • sorenbarrett

    Casualties of war are not only bodies but minds and they are not buried or given a funeral but have to be lived with. A powerful write

    • rebellion_in_sanity

      Deeply appreciate your support πŸ™ Thank you very much

    • Poetic Licence

      Touching and heartfelt write for something that sadly is all to common, for them the battle is just transferred to their head when they return,well written and expressed

    • Tristan Robert Lange

      Very heartfelt and, the answer to your question in your comment, no. They don't. Well put, and your note asks a great rhetorical question to drive the point home. Well done! πŸŒΉπŸ‘

    • whats write for me

      A truly moving piece, thank you for sharing.

      • rebellion_in_sanity

        Please accept my gratitude for your read and support. Wars have ruined so many lives. Unfortunately its a necessary evil that human existence is having to embrace. Thank you πŸ™

      • Neville

        So very dreadfully sad and far too frequently true .. Neville

      • Thomas W Case

        Powerful and poignant.

        • rebellion_in_sanity

          My sincere gratitude for your support πŸ™. Thank you very much

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