Poetry together


When we share poetry together 

We are no mere humans

We are 

Gods and goddesses 

Kings and queens

Angels and demons 


Pouring out our hearts and souls

Revealing our inner selves 

For the world before us


Pouring out tears and laughter

Some emotions that can't be described 

Getting in touch and sharing our souls


Letting the world see us 

Without filters 

Without editing 

Being true to ourselves and or craft

Being true to the world around us

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  • arqios

    Happy World Poetry Day Tony 🙏🏻🕊

    • Tony36

      Thank you, happy world poetry day to you as well

    • sorenbarrett

      A poem dedicated to poetry and poets where ever they may be. Nicely said Tony

      • Tony36

        Thank you

      • Tristan Robert Lange

        Happy World Poetry Day, Tony! Wonderful write, my friend! 🌹

        • Tony36

          Thank you, happy world poetry day Tristan

          • Tristan Robert Lange

            Thank you, brother!

          • Goldfinch60

            Great words Tony and so very true, we let our life out in our poems.


            • Tony36

              Thank you

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