Money Means Truly Nothing


Chase it all you bloody want,
No excuse to act like a cunt.
Berating other members of staff,
1s and 0s are clouding your path.
Money means truly nothing,
Better stop all of that scoffing.
I know, I know, we all have to survive,
But is chasing paper why we're alive?

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  • sorenbarrett

    A short poem that calls it as it sees it. Money is power and power is seductive to the greedy. Greed drives the economy and makes the world go round. A sad commentary on the human race. Great poem

  • Poetic Licence

    Sadly in this world it is a necessary evil, a write that packs a valid Punch

  • RSM0812

    Sometimes I think man made money just to give humanity something else to do besides war. Sometimes people are forced to chase paper unfortunately, even though there is more enough for everyone at the end of the day I guess.

    • Shaunmatthewcpoetry

      Aye, seems like a control thing to me, I might be wrong though.

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