my lady o lady


oh my lady o lady

your eyes look through my soul

from me something precious you stole 

my tounge i cannot control

poetry cannot describe truly

for such my words unworthy 

your angelic devine beauty 

and ur hair so curly

as i saw u from afar 

the cold wind brought to me 

the scent of your hair

sitting in a rickety wheel chair 

strumming a simple guitar

 a heart like broken glass

something which i could never repair

i noticed somethin that day 

to which before i was unaware 

when she shed her tears

even the heavens weep in despair

and she sang to me 

in a voice so sweet 

from my broken body 

the pain would excrete

once again i felt so free

like never before complete 

i would clap to a beat 

and screm with joy encore 

and she would repeat 

in her voice so sweet 

i would ask her to dance 

and we did 

her standing on my feet 

  • Author: ishmeal mikeal (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 24th, 2010 01:32
  • Comment from author about the poem: a girl i met in a hospital paralyzed from waist down i was just amazed at how someone so beautiful was given such a punishment by god i wrote this for her while i was in the hospital i used to read to her still brings tears to my eyes remembering her sing to me she loved music
  • Category: Sad
  • Views: 39
  • Users favorite of this poem: Cheeky Missy
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  • Cheeky Missy

    Wow. This is quite the piece, especially with the comment you give explaining it. Your end-rhyming is pleasant, but in an inconsistent fashion that I don't quite catch the pattern. I like it. Thank for the explanation.

  • mikeal

    i was in a little hurry so i have a lot of mistakes in this one but i will try my best not to make many in the future

  • Anna

    I really liked this poem and the way it was built!~♥

    • mikeal

      thx anna i appreciate the support

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