

Sometimes I seek the meaning of Hi,

Is it the depth of earth or the height of sky,

You say this word to people nearby,

But forget them also n make them cry,

Sometimes I seek the meaning of HI.....


Some can walk n some can fly,

but no one knows the meaning of Hi,

Some are open and some are shy,

But all of them use this word Hi,

Sometimes I seek the meaning of Hi.....


From the endless time, I wanna say you Hi,

take your hands in mine n make u feel shy,

neither I can live nor I can die,

I can just wait for you n your reply


may be someday, you and I,

share sweet memories n fly high,

but for now I don’t dare to lie,

Please find my Love in my Hi



Again and again I gave it a try,

Bt still cant figure out the meaning of HI,

And now it is true and I don’t know why,

Bt I can't say a word to you again now ....except this HI...


Seasons comes and seasons go,

being the part of endless show,

its a truth but still a lie,

May be someday I can figure out the meaning of Hi...


  • Author: mayankshori (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 11th, 2011 08:29
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 29
  • Users favorite of this poem: Cheeky Missy
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  • Cheeky Missy

    Hi!...and you can go further in exploration of its significance and meaning too. I enjoyed your view on it, containing love in these simple two letters of acknowledgment, greeting sincere or polite.

  • mayankshori

    Thanks Missy...glad you liked it....

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