The Passing Fire in the Sky


I have seen the passing fire in the sky, that sets us apart only through our eyes, we are able to sit back and distinguish from the meaning that two can hold a different end.

We hold our judgement in the calmness of knowing peace and the purity of goodness, in the ability to never fall sway to the false profit or in the interpretation in the masses, provided by another.

I refuse to be alone in my belief of goodness, others must feel the same ability to know what is proper and good, not for me  but in our ability to have compassion for even those who would deny us an opposing view when our pain would be their joy.

Am I unique in this, are we unique in the simplicity of good and the desire for all to know it, was I the only one to see the passing fire in the sky.

  • Author: jlmoreno9929 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 25th, 2011 12:08
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 52
  • Users favorite of this poem: Cheeky Missy
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  • Cheeky Missy

    Fascinating...curious. What is the passing fire in the sky representing? Are you speaking of believing innate goodness exists in sinful mankind? Somehow, it does sometimes seem veritably the case. But the Lord Who alone searches and knows the hearts of all mankind says the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it? You know? And He doesn't lie.

    • jlmoreno9929

      I don't, simply a memory as a child, to real to be a dream, and of all the events in my life this one remains the most vivid of all, I search for the answer, I have no meaning for it, I do know it helped me see, it has helped me learn, it has helped me to be the person I am.

      • Cheeky Missy

        Wow. Thank you very much for explaining it for me...I much appreciate that! So then, what was the passing fire in the aurora? Your explanation/input on it makes it so much more than a nere poem, thanks again for explaining.

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