Siren (Of lust and invited consequence)


Siren (Of lust and invited consequence)

Let none conspire to remove

This curse

Which comes pleasant wrapped

In blessing’s garb.

Her splendid encasement

Stimulates rise

Of potent intention.


To become as wreckage

On hostile shores,

In willing embrace

Of disaster;

Swept prepensely

By severin sister

Into her maw

And the sweetness within.


Lead as lamb to slaughter,

Broken as beast from burden

I succumb and step,

Without falter,

To sacrifice judgement


On this,

Her mons,

And alter.


Suffering in the silence

Of this blessed siren,

Resigned to be directed

As her will does please;

Failed again by reason,

Slave by mutual pleasure,

I fall into the warmth

Of her sublime.

  • Author: bourbonjon (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 11th, 2011 04:06
  • Comment from author about the poem: Ok... Haven’t bothered with getting anything published in a while… been dead, gone and lost for a while and only now rebuilding a voice. Got a feeling though that the stuff I’m coming up with is too enigmatic so feedback would be appreciated. Cheers, Bourbonjon
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 29
  • Users favorite of this poem: Cheeky Missy
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  • Cheeky Missy

    Excellently depicted, and beautifully done....the enticement and allure of temptation to which we succumb, so willingly assenting to our demise. Well-written and eerie.

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