Love left me on a sunday bus


We talked online for hours at a time,
I said that I was a wreck and falling part.
You lifted me up dusted me off,
and I found the other half of my heart.

You said with a phone call.
I have to see you,
I just want to is all.
I thought that this love was just going to be an illusion of my mind,
it is fiction, and false, something that cannot be done.
even though our connection was great
I thought to myself away she will run.

That Friday I saw you outside the bus depot,
I began to understand that my love is truely real.
Soul mates do really exist.
my heart doesnt have that empty feel.

We held hands as we walked,
broke down the emotional walls as we talked.
Shared some memories and hugs.
I was surprised you did not run.

Before all was said and done it was time.
love left me on a sunday bus.
My love will follow with that bus,
untill the end of time.

  • Author: haynus (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 21st, 2011 23:31
  • Comment from author about the poem: a poem by Craig Patterson dedicated to Shai-lynn Mackenzie
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 16
  • Users favorite of this poem: Cheeky Missy
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