
Some times I want to become a pilot,
Going under and above the clouds,

Day after I want to become an  animal  researcher
Running behind the deer, lions, cheetahs & other wild lives,
Going after the animals, wherever I go,

Sometime after I want to be a,
Hit film director,
Directing a film for Rs.1500 million or so,
No good English film cost less than that!!

Sometime after I want to be a teacher,
Teaching all the privileged and under-privileged children,
To bring about a kind of revolution in the field of education.

 These are my ambitions,
I want to be all of them,
All rolled into one.
They are indeed beautiful professions,
Like a beautiful gem!!


  • Author: SUDARSHAN (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 24th, 2011 12:52
  • Category: Children
  • Views: 2281
  • Users favorite of this poem: Cheeky Missy
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  • Cheeky Missy

    Ah, I enjoyed hearing about all your hopeful ambitions. The altering of choices reminds me of when I was in school....I too wanted to be one thing and then another.

  • Dolphine29

    Never stop dreaming!

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