Remember This in May...

Cheeky Missy

(sonnet # CCCCXXV)

When violets lift their darling faces, low
Amidst green grasses sprouting, drest in white
With purple, purple/white, all spotted, slight,
Aye lavendar, in shady places show
Their cheerful graces, carpets faeries throw
Down briefly in the Spring; when tulips' bright
Reds, yellows, pink-tinged whites in stately sight
With daffodils and hyacinths bloom, go
Again back to this day, where rough winds stir
The bushes, pines and firs while snow skips through;
Where o'ercast skies and bitter chill deter
The house-bound tread from vent'ring out; grey's hue
On New Year's Day; where azure peeks a pure
Face out sometimes, recall this little clue.


  • Author: Chic George (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 1st, 2012 23:21
  • Comment from author about the poem: Hahaha, a bit of a teaser, and nothing more until probably May. Ya, on January first, I'm already looking ahead? Succeeding at penning a quartet of sonnets hopefully for Sketchbook's Jan/Feb2012 issue, if it is published, I likely cannot post it here until May. Like you really cared anyway? Ya right. Here is the teaser....
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 30
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