
The UK has given us a new word. "Brexited" has entered the lexicon

Brits chose insularity over inclusion. They seem to want immigrants gone


Stock market took a big tumble. Causing money brokers to scurry

Uncertainty is rampant. The world is transformed and deeply worried


There is a rising tide against immigration. Plays right into Trump's hands

He'll say he was right all along. Using the Brit case to refresh his brand


Some US politicians may have been complicit in the failed EU experiment

Britain's rejection of this plan may cause many others to leave the tent


London has it's own version of The Donald. Mayor Boris Johnson is their man

Hawked the anti-immigration idea. Would've been right at home in Birmingham


The British pound has tumbled. Markets worldwide are getting spanked as well

Their Prime Minister is set to resign. Seems like the whole planet is going to hell


What's interesting is how the Angry White Male isn't just blue collar and American

Resentment has spread across the pond. Bitterness has consumed the Englishman 


Political parties are opposed to high immigration levels from the Netherlands to France

They are demanding their own EU referendums. Tired of the same old song and dance 



This has emboldened Trump, who said "I'd love to see people take their country back"

If he somehow manages to win the White House, he will make Latinos and Muslims pack


These latest changes aren't just talk show grist. Not simply about walls and borders

It decimates currencies and upheaves financial markets. In short, it changes world order


Obama was quick to respond. Said the relationship between the US and UK was enduring

But Great Britain outside the EU may be weak. That kind of news is not reassuring


This stunning situation in the UK should serve as a wake-up call to all of us

We can no longer afford to keep our head in the sand, or we may miss the bus










  • Author: DubbleDhee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 24th, 2016 15:48
  • Comment from author about the poem: This is about the British decision to leave the European Union and go their own way. It's also about the affect immigration had on this decision and the impact it may have.
  • Category: Sociopolitical
  • Views: 41
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    Thanks DD for your attempt to understand BREXIT in essence it is even more complicated than cricket ! David shot himself in the foot because he called the referendum (feeling he would win !) when it was not necessary. Labour (whose Leader looks a bit like COLOMBO) also supported REMAIN (the opposite of BREXIT). For remain the big issue was ECONOMICS related to our dependence on the EU for jobs ~ tarrifs ~ exports ~ World trade etc. These are real issues and the UK economy is now much weaker. BREXIT chose immigration. Every American has eight times the space we (UK) do so we are much more densely populated. Old folk (65+) are scared of immigrants and say they are taking our Jobs ~ filling our Schools and causing a shortage (pe capita) of Doctors & Hospital etc. The YOUTH (18 - 25) voted 70:30 to stay and the older voters (60+) voted 70/30 to leave. It was a great pre-election with lies ~ exaggeration ~ scaremongering etc. The way they carried on would make TRUMP look normal ! Anyway the deed is done but it is the Young who will reap the whirlwind. Please check my IN or OUT Poem . Thanks for sharing - BRIAN

  • DubbleDhee

    Thanks for the update Brian! It's all relative. People here in the US have the very same complaints about immigration the Brits have in your country. They feel crowded out too. Their anger is pointed mainly at Latinos (Mexicans especially) and Muslims. Other immigrants (Asians, East Indians, et al) seem to get a pass somehow. Trump resonates with the growing anti-immigrant resentment some people have and he has given voice to their anger. His campaign has recently started to flounder and BREXIT is a political gift that fell out of the sky. Bad for many people, but great for Trump! Thx for sharing!

  • Tropicana

    this is true! Britain leaving the eu has created a domino effect of others being against immigration and it's made the hate more acceptable. i'm gutted by the results, big mistakes were made and it feels like things are going backwards

    • DubbleDhee

      Thx for responding Tropicana! New reports say many Brits are having buyers remorse. They call it BREGRETS! It seems as if BREXIT wasn't what they were told it would be and worse than they imagined. Oh well. Let the buyer beware! Thanks for weighing in!

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