The energy of life, which positively, activates you.
It lightens up your spirit from within, and makes you shine.
It sharpens your senses and fine-tunes reality perception process.
It is the fuel that makes an impact, impression and gravitate people to you.
It makes you compassionate and tolerant.
It manifests hidden creativity and creativity elevates it in return.
With all been said, its components are a mystery.
Let's explore its alchemists' dimensions and chemistry.
Still, by the way, how is your vitality today?
AVIGAIL (Pseudonym) (
- Published: August 4th, 2016 09:27
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 56
''my signs are vital and my hands are cold" another mind mover get them gears working. very nice as usual avigail. ww
mind your vitality WillyWeed and shine :)))
really enjoyed this!
thanks Dandylion 🙂
Thanks AVI another lovely thought provoking poem ! We all have within us ELAN VITALE ~ a Vital Spirit ~ which motivates every aspect of our lives. Without this VITALITY we would just be ZOMBIES with it we are unique individuals ~ therefore we must cherish and nurture it ! Thanks for caring anf sharing ~ Your Friend BRIAN
its the energy of life. but what is it really?
be well Brian
In my opinion AVI it is related to the complexity and functioning of the Human Brain. We are not pre-programmed (like animals) which is why we develop intellectually (quite slowly compared to the Animals) quite slowly up to the age of 21. Our brains are infinite but during the first 21 years we are developing life skills and knowledge and wisdom etc. Our BRAINS control all our life processes and enable us to take our place in the Society we live in ~ also to (quickly) adapt to a new society (language ~ customs etc). Our developing brains drive our ELAN VITALE and make us who we are and enable us to take our place in Society. This is why DEMENTIA is so so debilitating because people lose their ELAN VITALE (memory ~ life skills ~ communication etc) and with it their HUMANITY ! It is a big subject in the fields of Psychology ~ Sociology ~ Anthropology ~ Human Biology ~ Biochemistry etc ! Thanks again BRIAN
i perceive vitality as the synthesis of energy from food, water and positive inspiring things we experience daily,
VERY TRUE AVI ~ We maintain our physical LIFE (VITALITY) though our essential daily intake of a balanced diet together with oxygen and water ~ we eat to live. We maintain our Intellectual and Spiritual LIFE (VITALITY) through (as you say) the positive and inspiring things we experience every day. I'm glad I'm HUMAN and glad I live in the 21st C in the UK ! ~ Thanks again BRIAN
Be well on earth Brian
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