The ROBIN is the song
That whispers to the moon !
As airy hills are aloft in awe
in April, that came too soon.
The overflow of flowers is resting in renew,
Where morning comes and bees are done;
Their part is scarcely viewed !
As hurried views and restless joints
Will leave their prints in sand,
The robin will dream and the seeds will cry
For all they've laid in the land.
Thee robin is the song
That whispers in the light !
With addled minds now fallen in heat
A December will find her night

I am the Black Crow
King of all the corn
I gaggle on the wire
Early in the morn
The farmer throws
Stones and curses’
He would like to see me go
I have been here for many years
He works for me you know
I will reap and he will sow
As long as there is corn to grow

A wonderful bird is a PELiCAN
His beak can hold more than his belly can
You see then in hundreds in the Florida Keys
In our UK Zoos ~ just in twos and threes
When GOD the birds ~ their beaks were dishing
He designed the PELICANS beak for fishing !
The nightingale has a beak that neat
But its only for going tweet ~ tweet ~ tweet
GOD in his creative unction
Gave every bird ~ beak fit for function
Darwin reached the wrong conclusion
Thought the Finches beaks ~ due to evolution !
No GOD in his wisdom designed each beak
Short to break nuts ~ long for insects to seek.
So every bird that you will find.......
It didn't evolve it was ~ GOD DESIGNED !

GOD has sense of humour in creation
Of all the Birds and Beasts that he has made
Some fill us with awe and with elation
Such as a Tiger basking in the shade !
The Frog is such a so funny creature
With his big eyes and jumping ~ makes me howl
But for me the funniest to feature
It has to be God's masterpiece the OWL
His call is funny too TO WIT ~ TO WOO.
TO WIT ~ TO WOO ~ each night he sings to you !
His eyes are large ~ for seeing in the dark
He can turn his head three~sixty degrees
A trick that makes him quite a lark
Hunts with ease at night ~ silent through the trees.

Ivory chiffon draped over her body,
her feathers are an alabaster white.
She is graceful and regal, always composed.
As though she had cried ink,
an onyx black slides from her eyes to her beak.
She protects her smokey feathered young fiercely,
never letting danger come close.
She's an elegant swan drifting across a lake.

I am the Dodo, you wont see my kind anymore..
We once flourished in Madagascar and Mauritius a long time before,
A handful of us can be seen at a museum
Stuffed and preserved, we may as well be in a mausoleum..
We did not move fast nor did we have wings,
We were hunted for food and also other things..
I dont want to be remembered as a stupid bird,
Remember us as the friendliest, yes friendly is the word,
We hadnt anticipated ambush, nor did we distinct..
That we would all get captured, followed by extinct..
~ AlitaOpal

I looked out my window
Searching for any sign that you still think of me
Weary and tired
And up way too late
Tear stained
To my surprise,
I saw a Robin, dancing in the moonlight
The way we used to do
Free like children
Running through the fresh blades of grass
Staying up all night and welcoming the dawn
Tumbling to the ground
Your hands tangled in my hair
A Robin\'s nest
Watching the Robin,
In the moonlight,
Wild with reckless abandon
Seeing makes me believe
And gives my fragile heart hope
It's a sign
You still think of me, too

Oh how I love my PARROT
I feed him with a carrot
Or bread or grain an apple or a pear
My Parrot is a veggie
Thats why I named him Reggie
He sits on my head ~ messes up up my hair
He is a Mexicana
He loves a ripe banana
He dances to the Mariachi Band
He wears a cute sombrero
My Girl Friend calls him Nero
Hes the finest looking Parrot in the land.
So if you want a pet
The finest you can get
A rat ? a cat ? NO that would be a folly
Reggie always walks with me
Reggie always talks with me
The best pet is a WITTY ~ PRETTY POLLY !

The black sparrow...
She blends in with the night,
Her eyes gazing upon the moon,
Ready to take flight,
The black sparrow....
Her strong wings rest,
After a long, hard day,
Black feathers covering her chest,
The black sparrow....
She is the one,
You'll hear this morning,
She'll rise with sun.

  • Authors: BRIANSODES (Pseudonym), willyweed, Izzi Lynn, AlitaOpal, Doll in Wonderland, F.
  • Visible: All lines
  • Finished: August 24th, 2016 09:30
  • Limit: 12 stanzas
  • Invited: Friends (users on his/her list of friends can participate)
  • Comment from author about the poem: The picture shows an American Robin with the Moon as suggested in Stanza 1. Please add a BIRD poem if you have one ~ Love BRIAN XOX
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 518
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  • SouthernHeartbreak

    The Hummingbird
    Little in stature Thinks its big in size
    Don't blink it will pass ya right before your eyes
    No particular home or sector
    To find me make a sweet red nectar
    Flap my wings so fast I can hover
    To hear my sing that for you to discover

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