The Boy; Lost Treasure


You play charades,

So no one sees, who you really are. 

The boy, who's heart had been destroyed,

By a demon, hiding in the flesh of a girl. 

You love, to your heart's content, 

But keep it hidden deep within,

As if, you're hoarding a lost treasure. 

You pretend to be a demon,

When you're an angel in the flesh. 

No matter the act, or the lies. 

I can see right through. 

I see your reasons, 

Behind pained eyes, 

Every act of treason,

Brought from her. 

You play charades,

But you're no good. 

I still see the angel,

Dancing behind masked forces.

You, are but, a lost treasure. 

  • Author: Rosethebrokenhearted (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 17th, 2016 08:51
  • Comment from author about the poem: I wrote some time ago, it\'s still pretty flawed, but I told a member I would find it. Hope you enjoy.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 47
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  • calbreezy

    Seems powerful, tell me if I am wrong, but this would be good for people who have been cat fished online, great work.

    • Rosethebrokenhearted

      No, it could very much go for that. Thank you for your time. I'm glad you like it.

    • rrodriguez

      I read it twice and found it very interesting. This poem portraits a lost soul yearn for attention.

      • Rosethebrokenhearted

        Thano you for the feedback and your time. It means a lot.

      • BRIAN & ANGELA

        Thanks RTBH for a very beautiful and enigmatic poem. Love and life is indeed a CHARADE and what we present to the WORLD hides our hidden persona. People who know me intimately tell me my inner persona is not the same as my public face _ we are all charades.. Our desire to express ourselves can make us lose the real inner treasure that is our real self. Reading this poem makes me sad ~ BUT ~ thanks for sharing ~ love it ! Yours BRIAN.

      • clockwork

        Sorry for reading this so late, amazing work kind of like the other side to my deception poem. Thanks for this

        • Rosethebrokenhearted

          Not a problem!
          And don't worry, between working and sleep, I haven't had time to post or work on anything new.

          • clockwork

            I hope to work with you on a piece and I hope to read more of your work, keep it up 👍👍

            • Rosethebrokenhearted

              I would love to create a piece with you!
              I'm working on typing up my works soon, and I'm going to attempt to get them published into a book.

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