The Return of a Lost Lover


Same dream, different night
a sense of De Ja Vu takes
me back to another life...
my heart beats fast like
angel wings, as you come
in out of the shadows I begin
to remember everything...
Irish green eyes radiating like
an glowing Amber, your eyes
say more than words could
ever say as you look deep
into mine the memories like
a jigsaw puzzle come together
a masterpiece of eternal love
well it's so intense like a night
storm come looming up above
Lightning flashed behind you
and all around me. Thunder
shook the leaves off the trees
as your long blonde hair swept
back and forth like a willow in
the wind you took my hand in
your hand and what was is again
you kissed me and it was genesis
all over again. Lightning and thunder

  • Author: moontigerntn (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 18th, 2016 16:51
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 17
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    Thanks for sharing TIGER ~ a beautiful "free verse" love poem with an intense rhythm and flow that complements the subject. A real poem in both form and function ! I can empathise because as I get older (I'm 33) my dream love often eclipses my waking love in passion and intensity ! The subject of my dream love is often of "All the Girls ~ I've every loved before" and our ways have parted never to meet again ! However they live on in my sub-conscious and we make love again in my dreams ! Your Friend ~ BRIAN .

    • moontigerntn

      thx for reading my poem - glad u liked it.

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