My Lion by Quinton Pillay


My Lion

By Quinton Pillay

Heart of one, strength of two,
I may not have been your cub
but I was considered one too.
You’ve helped push me forward when I was down,
you’ve given me strength
and guided me on the correct path when I was lead off trail.
You always knew
I would not fail.
You made me smile, which not many can do.
You are my lion
and so you shall always be too.
I know the Lord will be smiling with open arms
as you head towards him
because it’s you.
This cub will always miss you, but be smiling when I do.
My lion I will miss you…

In honor of Uncle DC, my second father, my lion.

  • Author: Kratos789 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 19th, 2016 02:03
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 19
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    THANKS QUINTON ~ For a great first poem and an awesome tribute to your UNCLE DC ~ your Lion. Pleased you have assurance that your Uncle is "Bound for Glory" we have sorrow but it is mellowed by a Blessed Hope that our loved ones are safe with the Lord. Love the flow of the poem ~ rhyme and rhythm and the content. The concept of Lions & Cubs is magical ~ reminded me of the Musical Lion King. Thanks for sharing the Tribute and the lovely photo ! Yours BRIAN

  • Tony36

    Awesome Awesome tribute

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