Evolution of consciousness


Futurists talk about robots, technology and breakthrough in science.

Yet, what about evolution of the minds?


Since Adam and Eve, we see envy and violence struggle,

Is it genetic encoding we bring from the jungle?


When will we realize life  is the game of awareness.

Are mind-full and heart-full,  tools so hard to harness?


By the end of the day we are temporary here,

And the smart/stupid, leaders/followers, rich and poor, will all disappear.


So what will it take, to collaborate and solve,

So many complex challenges humanity faces, and really evolve?

  • Author: AVIGAIL (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 19th, 2016 09:55
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 21
  • User favorite of this poem: Meghan_star.
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    Thanks again AVI for a very challenging and intellectual poem on the "Evolution of Consciousness". Adam & Eve were Homo Sapiens Sapiens but were created Adult & Innocent (O that you and I were in that blessed state !) Their brain capacity was very similar to our but they lived in rural society without high-tech. We are temporary but we survive through advanced technology. It is the intellectually fittest who will survive. What we need is a GLOBAL SOCIETY based on love ~ joy ~ peace etc. So we need to evolve Morally as well. Love all your poems ~ You are lovely ~ Love BRIAN

    • avigail

      thank you my dear :)))
      have a wonderful weekend, love avigail

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