We sit in a restaurant and play with our phones.
Is this social, or social networks, and basically that is all?
We take selfies and upload them to Facebook or Instagram.
Is this a smart phone or a silly addictive, technical ego- zone?
We text while we drive, and bump into someone, before we arrive.
Is this an instructive human device or a typical negative self-destructive habit we stupidly, revive?
AVIGAIL (Pseudonym) (
- Published: August 22nd, 2016 09:58
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 17
Thanks AVI I agree with your prognosis ~ Mobile Phones are CRAP. I hate the Fobile Moan of the Mobile Fone ! You will love a "date" with me AVI because I don't have one ~ uninterupted fine dining ! I have never had one and never will. Pour moi ~ I can't see any reason to have one. Waste of money and the most anti-social tool I know. I cant think of anyone who would want to phone me (and vice versa) when i'm on the TRAIN ! As you hint ~ they are silly ~ addictive ~ negative ~ self-destructive and a worse passion killer than a rabbit. I am a card holding member of MPASS ~ Mobile Phones Are S**T Society ~ will you join me ~ you have the ANGST ! Real Huggs ~ BRIAN
funny - real hugs Brian
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