Who gives me strength is it me? No it can't be I don't possess that Within Me, because I know when I tried to do it alone I fell instantly right on my face. so who is it than? I don't know but instantly I felt peace this beautiful presence came over me I started shouting! "Glory Glory Hallelujah" I feel your grace tears suddenly became rushing down my face I fell to my knees because I felt my saviors Grace I prayed to him yet unknown it was even a prayer I instantly started saying words that weren't there I got down on my knees and I started saying savior Savior Please wrap your loving arms around me that I may feel your love and peace my savior my God lift this burden from my heart that I may feel like someone loves me that you yes you Lord my God might free me from all this worldly hurt strengthen me Lord God help me walk tall and steadfast in your love because it is you Lord God who blesses me with the strength to move on from my past from up above.
rebekahmoses (
- Published: August 26th, 2016 18:07
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 18
WELCOME REBEKAH ~ Thanks for your first poem ~ A lovely testimony to your faith in God and your Saviour. "Praise GOD from whom all blessings flow ~ Praise Him all creatures here below ~. Praise Him above you Heavenly Host ~ praise Father Son and Holy Ghost ~ AMEN. I love your experience. The BIBLE says "Seek you the Lord while he is near ~ Call upon Him while He may be found" . You became a BELIEVER in God and found what you were looking for ~ A Friend in need. He gave you peace ~ joy ~ power and the strength to move on ~ AMEN. I'm 33 and I have been a committed Christian for over 20 years and it is more wonderful each day. There are a lot of Spiritual Members in MPS who will read and enjoy your TESTIMONY. Every Blessing BRIAN
Aweeh thank you so much yes I am a believer in Christ and I will continue to be and I definitely hope people love my poems as much as I love writing them. Godbless you as well
very nice poem you pen, welcome aboard. I am joyful at the peace you have found. ww
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