a crack baby is given up for adoption because the mother was not fit to take care of him a life her heart just did not want to share with him Everytime the baby was in the incubator they gave the child a needle the nurse although she heard he was going to die did not cry instead she prayed and God whispered in the baby's ear my child Beat, beat, beat, purpose 3 beats and a purpose Got the heart right and the nurses mind right as the child grew older he went into highschool yes he had some difficulties yes he didn't always understand one day the child became frustrated didn't understand why the rest of the kids performed different then him be began to cry not one eye was dry each tear was counted God took the little boy and held his hand 59 the amount of tears you cried but what did I tell you my child ? Beat beat Beat purpose" God hugged the child tightly and said you will eventually see all I have planned you to be i have not forgotten you don't listen to your thoughts unless I'm there only focus on the love and bond we share through prayer" once the child graduated from high school he wanted to find his biological mother he found her hidden in a crack house strapping a band across her arm with a needle in mouth the man found her removed the strap from her arm and the pipe held in place between her knees he grabbed the keys he picked her up he took her home when she woke up he gave her some water scratching her head being quite perplex she said I know who you are he said who am I? She said you're my son instantly falling into tears she begin to mudder whom I've done so wrong. It's okay mother I forgive you "they said you were dead" says the mother how did you survive he took her hands and placed it on his heart and said "listen mother listen" the mother looked quite confused yet again with her hand still on his heart she listened and felt the rhythmic heart beat as her son said "beat, Beat,beat purpose " still confused he looked at this mother and said I don't want you going back no you're staying here he let her sleep on his bed he slept on the couch as he fell into a deep sleep God whispered "wake up" so the man woke up "God then said go into the bathroom" as he opened the door he found his mother holding a gun to her head saying over and over "I wish I wish I wish I was dead" I have no value no reason to live I've done everyone wrong I can't even be forgiven" struggling with the mother the man quickly grabbed the gun from his mothers hand and pushed it into the Hall way she fell down as they both started crying the man looked his mother in the eyes and said listen to me look at me no mother really look at me! I forgive you I've already forgiven you if I didn't i wouldn't have brought you into my home" she started weeping as Jesus grabbed her hand an said to her "and I forgive you too my child everyone is forgiven when they ask due to me dying on the cross as they all deserve forgiveness because I have so much love for you and those who still sin too as the mother was crying the three of them we're In the bathroom and she said God how will I know how to survive? Jesus looked at the Son and said now you tell her what I've whispered in your ear they both smiled and said together "beat beat beat purpose" the mother then began saying with her hand on her heart with tears flowing ever so fast "beat beat beat purpose".God said "remember I am always there in your need in your joy or time of despair no one is finished with life until I say so bad days good days I'm always there and I'll always care."
rebekahmoses (
- Published: September 15th, 2016 03:36
- Comment from author about the poem: Everyone has a purpose in life so nomater the obstacle don't give up.
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 23
THANKS REBEKAH ~ We have a Spiritual Book called "The Purpose Driven Life" and all Jews and Christians have God Given Purpose in their lives and there are many scriptures which relate to this. I love the Story you have shared. God often uses Members of our own Families to rescue us from the pit. Love you for sharing this ~ God Bless ~ BRIAN
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