When times are hard and the way is rough
When all your dreams are in the dust
God cares for you like no one can
His are the footprints in the sand
He carries you when you can't go on
When all your hope and strength are gone
When the road ahead you cannot see
He says, rest My child, rest in Me
Soon you'll see what I've got planned
All good gifts are from My hand
So if you're feeling just that way
Let Him comfort you today
His arms outstretched, He's there for you
He wants to lift and carry you too
Nana Hayes (
- Published: September 26th, 2016 09:35
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 24
WELCOME NANA ~ Thanks for a very beautiful and true first poem. The GOOD BOOK says "Cast your CARE on to GOD because he cares for YOU ~ AMEN. MPS is a very holistic site ~ you will enjoy it ~ Yours BRIAN
Thanks Brian. I love the Scriptural quote you gave. Maybe I'll include that Scripture at the bottom of this poem from now on.
Blessings, Nana
Awesome write
Thanks Tony. My heart's desire is that people are blessed by my poetry
Lovely message.
Thanks so much, Augustus
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