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Envision a snail sliding, slow as molasses.

Tic toc the time, methodically passes.

Before my lap top I still sit hoping.

The file I clicked would quickly open.


My screen I stare with a long gape.

Open, you file, NOW for God’s Sake!

Get up, stretch, leave my lap top for a minute.

File still not open, still not finished.


The pointer, now a circle forever turning.

I sit here pleading, silently yearning.

If I leave and go take a lunch.

Return, file’s open, just a dumb hunch?


Distracted by a ring tone, hear it ding dong.

I scream out loud, Why is this taking so long?

The only thing left, my predicament to suit.

Log off. Shut Down. Push button. Reboot.

  • Author: WriteBeLight (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 27th, 2016 08:26
  • Category: Humor
  • Views: 76
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    Thanks WBL ~ I call my LAPTOP SADIE because it is so like my first GF. Goes int "wait mode" and needs rebooting ! Please check my latest poem ~ THANKS BRIAN

    • WriteBeLight

      That is funny! The lag time gives me time to think about something to write about, so I do not mind it so much...:)

    • Tony36

      Happens to me all the time. Great write

    • willyweed

      nice write, technology is much like love...great when its working! enjoyed the read. ww

      • WriteBeLight

        Great comparisons!👓

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