

Lord - help me to forget the wrong stops along the way. 

Those I trusted and disappointed me in some way

Men who promised to catch me when I fall

Is there any wonder they're friends after all?

One who kept promising more and more

The other who can't say "love" but opts for "adore"

They both play games with my head

Saying bs that need not  be said

Did it hurt when I said I wanted others?

Did it hurt when you imagined me with another?

Or is the pain I want you to feel in my head?

I'm overthinking playing the guessing game instead…

Of trying to reach out




Oh wait!  You're ignoring another call

Another text

I'm perplexed

Genuine feelings you claim?

Well I'm feeling something genuine this way - it's pain



I knew this was a "no-no"

But that damn curiosity of mine - you flashed green I yelled GO

And I sit hear waiting to be heard

Trying to stall

But your silence Says. It. All.

It says you had no thought of us truly being friends

B/c when I try to balance this sh*t

You want to put an end…

To the convo

The connection

The energy that got us stuck

You want the tension

And the tease

You just want to f*ck

You'll hide behind the "situation"

And I feel you - it's going down with your child

I just thought your exit would have a bit more style

Since optics are your game

It gives credence to the name

Validates your fame

I wish it was just you I could blame

For giving into this disloyal shame

My respect & admiration wane

But my heart Stays. The. Same.

  • Author: daddysgirl (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: October 7th, 2016 16:36
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 52
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  • Tony36

    Great write

    • moreofme


      • Tony36


      • Alda


        • moreofme

          Thank you!

        • Whimsical_1

          This is incredible. I love the rhyme and you could really set this to music or rap if you'd like. I think it would fit perfectly. Thank you so much for sharing this piece!

          • moreofme

            Thank you very much!

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