Speaking causes issues
Well at least that's what I'm being shown
Words get misconstrued
No peace at home
If I speak it's a problem
If I'm quiet I'm a child
If I'm minding my own business
I'm still needed in a while
I don't have a right hand
I don't have a second view
If I show an upper hand
It's still one against two
So the greater takes a stand
And the one is left alone
And it's back to being canned
In a room turn off the phone
Because everything you do
is a problem unknown
But if nothing is done
It can't be taken wrong
If you don't text or speak
Nothing can be said
Because there's no offense
To words unspoken or unread
So "keep to yourself "
States the voice in my head
It wouldn't matter
Not like they care
It wouldn't mean anything
If you're here or there
They don't notice if you're around anyway
The very absence of your being
Is probably the one thing that they're needing
Actually it's clear it is
Since it's already been spoken
So emotions run high
Oh wait emotions can't be awoken
Hold your tongue in pure silence
Lest your voice be broken
And taken in a way not even shown
An attitude
You're wrong
If you speak it's a problem
If you're quiet you're a child
If you mind your own business
You'll be needed in a while
It's hard to wrap your mind around it
Nonsense is how it sounded
But it remains true
Nonetheless your words are mounted
Voice your opinion and get hounded
In their dominion you're uncounted
Silence quiet peace unfounded
Never knew one could take
words even unsaid the wrong way
Then when how you feel is stated
You're still wrong and now you're playin
Now you're victim to the situation
I know I know i know it's crazy
Never heard of anything like this
It's to the point where I'm like is
There a way to just live not exist
Cause my presence is no longer a present
I'm not fighting to be accepted
Phrases returned are never dealt with
So my apology I probably should've kept it
So now I'll just be rogue and
I'll live by a new slogan
One that explains all things in peace
Shh quiet down they're around
Hands Up, Don't Speak
Ms Tee (Pseudonym) (
- Published: October 16th, 2016 03:28
- Category: Short story
- Views: 63
Very interesting...well written...could maybe be edited a bit to hold the interest of the reader..people are often in a rush...but it was amazing and it states many facts..well done
Thank you so much for your feedback and for reading 🙂
Great write, really enjoyed it, all of it
Thank you Tony , I appreciate you reading as well 🙂
WELCOME MS TEE ~ Thanks for your first and very powerful poem. ! I felt it ! More than 80 lines throbbing with rhyme and rhythm and with one very clear message DON'T SPEAK UNLESS YOUR ARE SPOKEN TO ~ OR GIVEN PERMISSION TO SPEAK ! What happened to the Constitution ~ The right to speak or is that (like lots of things) just for ADULTS. My advice is to "Speak up and be damned" ! If you don't speak now tomorrow may be too late. Thanks for caring & sharing ~ more please ~ BRIAN (UK)
Brian your feedback is most welcomed!! Thank you so much for taking the time to write your response all of what you said is very true! lol I think I will definitely take that advice as well ! Thank you for reading 🙂
Thanks MS TEE and thanks for being my MPS Friend ~ Yours BRIAN
Aw no problem thank you for the request with me being brand new here it's nice to have a friend. 🙂
This poem really struck me! Very powerful. It immediately brought me back to when I was young and I used to get in arguments with my parents- this poem puts all of those feelings into words. Keep up the good work! Can't wait to read more 🙂
Sarah I'm so glad you enjoyed it , and your memory of your arguments is definitely not far off from what caused me to write this 🙂 thank you so much for your feedback I will be posting more very soon !
Very well done, good rhyme and structure and content that is relatable.
dammed if you do dammed if you don't
write on! ww
Thank you , yes very true.. I will. 🙂
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