Sense Of Humor



One has to have a sense of humor–When you oversleep,

come in late and some simpleton spreads a rumor–Find

a grey hair, a stain on your blouse, an uninvited guest or

a mouse in the house–a hillbilly jerk steals your parking

space–Look in the mirror–a ZIT on your face! There are

root canals and traffic tickets, guys at the door selling

cleaning widgets–Paper cuts, cigarette butts, unzipped

zippers and the neighbor's mutt. (Digging in your flower

bed, after your new bedspread he shred–Into pieces no

less, next to the feces he left) Then there is the day you

are mugged, robbed, embezzled, taken for granted–

Left frazzled, bedraggled–Then rear ended, car crashed,

whiplashed and face smashed. Your best friend is now

interred in a VAULT following a vehicular injury–Guess

whose fault?–Your son is arrested for another felony–

And out of one eye you no longer see. But there is more–

plane crashes, pancreatitis, global warming and WAR–

Rapes, beached whales and dead apes. The day that

they diagnose you with metastatic tumors–And by the

way, give you six months to live–make you crap in your

bloomers–It's nice then to have a good sense of humor.  





  Augustus / Folsom / October 2016

  • Author: Augustus (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: October 18th, 2016 09:34
  • Category: Humor
  • Views: 36
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    Great rectangular poem "A" and a neat account of "24 hoiurs of AUGUSTUS". Muche the same as mine ~ but I'm a Queens Scout and we whistle and smile under all difficulties ! As TONY would say GREAT WRITE ! Yours BRIAN

  • Augustus

    Thanks, I started with a list of all the horrible things that happen to people and then decided to progress from everyday little annoyances to the catastrophic.

  • SilentLaugh

    This is great. It really showes all the underlying problems of our world. Beutiful and cleaverly writen. BTW nice pic!

    • Augustus

      Wow! Thanks.

    • WriteBeLight

      I agree.

      • Augustus

        Thanks a bunch

      • Tony36

        Awesome Awesome Awesome

        • Augustus

          Not one or two but TRHEE Awsomes! Thanks.

          • Tony36


          • Wolf2778


            • Augustus

              Wolf, thanks for taking the time to check this out. Tomorrow I hope to do a video poem. I finally figured out how to sharpen the image so that print is readable.

              • Wolf2778

                Well I'll be there

              • Christina8

                this is a really good write and now I see why you are "suddenly disabled" as it says on your home page. I hope to read many more of your poems and you'll be in my prayers.

              • Augustus

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