Is It Love ?

ron parrish aka wordman

I have feelings for you,

down in my soul;

is it love ?

i don`t know !


Maybe,it`s a peace

i feel for you,

my spirit just seems,

to connect with you.


I have never seen your face,

or traced your curves,

but i have,

felt your words.


Your sweet words

have touched my soul,

is it love ?

i don`t know...

  • Author: Ron parrish (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: October 18th, 2016 17:16
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 17
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Comments +


  • Christina8

    I think this is a very sweet poem. Good job!

  • janetaylor

    awww very mysterious ~ had me wondering where he met her? or was it a picture he saw once? or someone passing on a pastel street in paris? beautiful writing ron.

    • ron parrish aka wordman

      that`s the beauty of it jane,leaves the mind to wander ..
      i like the pastel street

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