The smoke she exhales, dances its mysterious dance before settling into thin air. She strikes another match, and lights another whilst she’s there. Staring at the empty streets that linger down below, she drops her chin to her hands held up by her elbows. She studies the rapid raindrops as they race to their demise, it’s funny how the product of a cloud has such power to entice. She yearns to be wanted, yet she yearns to be free and all she hopes and prays for is to live her life happily. She imagines she too is a raindrop, falling from the heavens, maybe then at least some people would acknowledge her presence. She takes another drag, and pulls down into her lungs, and slowly releases the smoke and watches it rheumatically move to the silent drums. She’s lonely and afraid, but in the best possible way, she knows the emotion of love is one that can easily fray. She pulls at the loose string on her old and worn house coat, with her free hand, whilst her latest cigarette drag settles in her throat. She has never felt wanted, and she’s never not felt alone and when she’s sat on her own, she lets out her little groan. She’s never been in love, and she’s never had love shown and what little experience she’s seen has reached its peak and been thrown. Tossed aside like it didn’t matter, yet destroying everything in its path and it’s not a shock to the system that her want of love has passed.
So, she sits there silently, enjoying her pack of smokes, allowing the soothing effect they gave give find her new ways to cope. She blinks her eyes tightly, letting tension build up mighty, and when she opens them again, she can scope for new hope.
G F L (Pseudonym) (
- Published: November 4th, 2016 00:43
- Comment from author about the poem: Late night/ Early morning cigarette thoughts.
- Category: Love
- Views: 87
- Users favorite of this poem: JohnThomas
Wow great rhyming here and muse blending soulful thoughts with positivity. And so poetic how the poet imagines to be a raindrop. Keep writing coz u have talent . Thumbs up.
Pls do comment out my latest poem too. I'm a new poet here but have been writing poetry since years and readers enjoyed it elsewhere or got sth from it until I found this site and wish to make new poem pals.
Thank you very muuuuuch, means alot x
I actually like this x
Thank you xx
your welcome xx
This is when'll crafted free verse that puts the reader right there with the speaker clearly as in a good novel. I too Like the analagy of the raindrop. But I would like to add in the first line that raindrops appear, they die. This may be a hidden wish of the speaker. One bit of unasked for advice, if indeed you are chain smoking please try to stop. It is extremely addicting and very difficult to stop. Soooooo much better for your health.
HI MOON CHILD ~ HELLO AGAIN ~ Thank you for another excellent poem about a release lots of people use. I'e never smoked but those that dio tell me it is very soothing (body & mind)and i prepares them for the next task. Love your style ~ cryptic rhyme ~ encapsulated in flowing prose. It give the poignant message of your poem added urgency. We all have our own ways of coping and our aim is always SCOPE FOR NEW HOPE ! More please and I promise to comment ~ Yours BRIAN
That was a great storytelling i loved every minute of reading it.
The pleasure is mine - Thank you x
loving your freestyle writing. fit's together rather nicely. well done.
Thank you x
Lovely. Absoluetly lovely. You have a gift for rhyming.
I could easily see the scene in my minds eye.
Thank you so much, I like to paint a picture with my words so your comment has really touched me x
I feel like a lot of us have been there, it really makes it resonate.
Thank you very much x
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