Love Blossom


My love is fragile but alive,

like a newly budding flower.


Longing for your warm touch

like a soft springtime shower.


Where I will colorfully blossom,

pedals stretching out to you wide,

fragrantly releasing its emotion

held deep inside.  


It will be prime for the picking,

a bountiful harvest you could reap,

a succulent gift of pure love,

and forever yours to keep.


It’s your magical life giving light,

that’s all it will need,

or it will shrivel and die

like a lonely forgotten weed.   

  • Author: notapoet (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 14th, 2016 08:32
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 13
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    THANKS FOR SHARING ~ We all need Love to stay alive but it needs to be active and vibrant ! Best wishes BRIAN ~ Please check my poems ~ Thanks B

  • Augustus

    This is almost erotic. I love it!

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