I hesitated to go back 

To the Old City ~ not knowing

What I might find there ~ so many years

Had now passed since my last visit 

Communication was good at first

Letters from MITHRAS by mule train

Messages from travellers ~ then NOTHING  !


It had been nigh on forty years now

Except for snippets from unknown sources.

When I reached CARPACE ~ I had doubts 

And thought of turning back ~ but instead

I pressed on 50 miles ~ my horse heavy


From a distance ~ it looked idyllic

But nothing prepared for the DESOLATION !


Thanks for visiting ~ Comments welcome ~ Love to all BRIAN



  • Author: BRIANSODES (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 17th, 2016 04:17
  • Comment from author about the poem: Is it ever a good thing to go back ~ after too many years ? What do you think ? Love BRIAN
  • Category: Fantasy
  • Views: 30
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  • Tony36

    Wow this poem is AWESOME! !!


      THANKS TONY ~ We all love a bit of FANTASY ~ BRIAN

      • Tony36


      • Christina8

        Great job, Brian!!Your hopes were up with the looks of an idyllic looking city that you remembered only to be greeted with cavernous darkness & desolation. Often in life our hopes are up only to come crashing down. Can't wait for your post tomorrow! Hugs-Christina

        • BRIAN & ANGELA

          THANKS CHRIS ~ As you know looks can be deceiving ! The lovely orange glow is because of the oil and beeswax they use for light as I shall reveal tomorrow ! This poem is set in Middle Europe in the Middle Ages and they had no gas or electricity and the only transport we had were horses. Live expectancy was LOW (<50) and infant mortality HIGH (>50%). My parents had died of a plague so Ieft at 15 intending to go back for my Sisters who were 10 & 12 (now 42 & 44 if still alive) I am haunted by their miserable existence ~ more in parts 2 & 3 etc. I like to write epic poems in a series of sonnets ~ this is a new one ~ hope it works ! Agape HUGS ~ BRIAN .

        • Augustus

          If this is Mithras from 100-400 AD it signifies one thing. If not I'm lost. Can't wait for second installment.

          • BRIAN & ANGELA

            Thanks "A" ~ Yes the Goddess MITHRAS was a Pagan God and the region was named after Her ~ well spotted ! BRIAN

          • willyweed

            they say you can never go home, again. so far so good I like this Brian, bring it! ww

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