As I approached the city at dawn ~ it had

A strange ethereal orange glow

The only lighting was vegetable oil lamps

And BEESWAX Candles ~ This gave the

Houses a sexy honey scent ~ Like a

Ladies boudoir as I remember !


Only the lower part of the city

Was occupied and I saw scrawny dogs ~cats ~ rats

And I glimpsed a skeletal human form

Furtive in the gloom of a window.

No laughter ~ no chidren ~ an air fo gloom and doom  

I regretted returning ~ but was very intrigued


I pushed open a door of a derilect house

But reeled in horror at what met my eyes ................... !


Thanks for visiting ~ Comments please ~ Part THREE tomorrow ~ BRIAN

  • Author: BRIANSODES (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 18th, 2016 03:12
  • Comment from author about the poem: When I left the City 42 years ago ~ to escape a plague ~ I was 15 and my Sisters were 10 & 12. I promised to return for them but perhaps I had left it too late. I hoped and prayed to find them but as i entered the City there was a scent iof death pervading the whole scene. Would I find them ? Please comment ~ Love BRIAN
  • Category: Fantasy
  • Views: 41
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  • Tony36

    Awesome Awesome write just like part one


      THANKS TONY ~ Tomorrow will be the last one ~ look out for it ~ Yours BRIAN

      • Tony36

        Can't wait

      • Christina8

        Very well written! Now if you found your sisters they would be adults 52 and 54, and life in the middle ages besides the plague was so harsh you might not find them alive. During the plague I wonder if you'd find the laughter of children at all. Oh, I can't wait to see what it is that you saw!!! Waiting on tomorrow....

        • BRIAN & ANGELA

          Thanks CHRISSY ~ As I wander through the ruined Labrinth of my once beautiful City my heart tells me that PAULA and LUNA are still alive (This is why I have returned) But surrounded by the DEAD & the DYING ~ My head tells me I am TOO LATE ~ TOO LATE and I am crying and soibbing as I take each despairing step ~ what of JOY or PAIN will tomorrow bring ? Think of me (in our BUBBLE of BIG HUGS) Your Friend ~ BRIAN alias BONNO !

        • Augustus

          No rug rats, ladies boudoir. Where do I sign on? Heh. Heh. Until tomorrow. Hugs.

          • BRIAN & ANGELA

            Thanks "A" ~ Your droll comment gave me some hope for tomorrows final chapter DESOLATION ~ THREE ~ Thanks BRIAN

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