Back when I was younger, I didn’t really care
I was the girl with leaves and dirt in her hair
Always playing with the boys, girls were a bore
Only talked about when they bought their clothes, and what store. -
Outside playing football, tripping each other up
We never thought about what it’d be like to grow up
Playing chase, tag,whatever you wanna call it
If there was a fight, I never thought I was the cause of it. -
Little bit older but still too young
Never really looked back on the things I’d done
Playing dare games every lunch and break
Not giving two thoughts on the choices we’d make. -
Back then the worst thing you could do was touch a boy's hand
Now that’s become something I just don’t understand
Like were we all contagious when we were young
Or was it just an excuse to protect us, made by our mums? -
Back when we were little nothing really scared us
Except the monsters under the bed that we made up
Now we have exams, harder lessons, stricter teachers
The ones who scare us most are those we see as leaders. - Wishing I could turn back to those good old times
When painting was really the only thing on your mind
When the only things you counted as pain back then
Were when you tripped and fell, or someone said they weren’t your friend. -
When we were younger we were told not to tease
Always say thank you, never forget the please
Now we all get told to, 'watch your language'
But we've already been told too many words to manage. -
Because the world looks so much better in the way back then
But those days are gone and it'll never be the same again.
T. Eden-Winn (Pseudonym) (
- Published: November 18th, 2016 13:49
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 29
WELCOME TYKY ~ lOVE YOUR PICTURE ! Thanks for sharing your first poem it is awesome and I love the message that one so young can be nosta;lgic for the past ! I can give 20 years so I'm even more nostalgic for my lost childhood and lost innocence ! I love the structure of your poem ~ rhyming couplets and humming with rhythm ~ excellent ! The last doublet is one we can all echo whatever our age ! "Because the world looks so much better in the way back then ~ But those days are gon and it'll never be the smae again ~ AMEN" Thanks for sharing ~ more please ~ Yours BRIAN (UK)
Thanks Brian!
I wasn't expecting such a supportive comment so soon, and I'm extremely grateful.
I feel more inclined to write another poem now; thanks again!
Well, I guess I have nothing to say because Brainsodes said it all, but I love your poem! It was amazing and your way with rhymes is incredible!! Keep writing 🙂
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